Market research

The report shows domain ratings based on their metrics in Site Analysis and Backlink Analysis. The report is updated once a month.

Serpstat Market research report

The Market summary at the top of the report displays the key metrics related to the whole category:

Traffic  Total traffic by domains in the selected category.
Domains  Total number of domains in the selected category.
Referring Domains  Average number of referring domains per domain in the selected category.
Backlinks  Total number of backlinks in the selected category.

In the rating below, there are six SEO metrics for each domain:

Position  Domain’s position in the rating.
Domain  Domain name of a website.
Category  Category and subcategory of a website.
Traffic  An estimated traffic the domain receives per month.
Visibility  Visibility of the domain in search results.
Organic keywords  A number of keywords the domain ranks for in organic search results.
Referring domains  A number of domains that have backlinks to the website.
Backlinks  A number of backlinks to the website.
Serpstat Domain Rank (SDR)  it  shows the domain authority on a scale from 0 to 100. It depends on the number of referring domains, as well as on the number of domains linking to those referring domains.

Use case:
Select a preferred country and an industry/niche in categories and pick out the most relevant domains for your project. Compare these domains with your domain in the Site analysis — Competitors tool. You will see the Missing keywords column with the keywords your competitor ranks for in the top 10 search results, but the analyzed website doesn’t even rank in the top 100 search results for them. You can add these keywords to your website to attract traffic you’ve been missing out on. Repeat the same with other competitors to get even more missing keywords.

Report set up

Here are some tips on how you can set up the report for your needs:

  1. Switch to another category within the current report through the drop-down menu in the Category column:

market research category column

    2. Search by a domain name within the current category in the upper area of the tool:

   3. Copy all the domains shown on the current report page to the clipboard:

If you still have any questions, you can go to our FAQ, use cases or contact the tech support chat.

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