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Serpstat updates 13 min read November 15, 2021

Frequently Asked Questions About Serpstat Credits: Customer Support Digest #5

Frequently Asked Questions About Backlink Analysis
Михаил Златов
Mike Zlatov
Customer Support Specialist at Serpstat
This is the 5th part of our regular Customer Support digest! Today I'll answer all the frequently asked questions about Serpstat credits. Here we gathered questions and troubles that you may face while using Serpstat tools. So, meet a new article with FAQ to save your time!

About credits: types and charges

— What are credits, lines, results? What are the differences?
— Each module has its system for calculating credits:
In the analytics section, 1 credit = 1 request.
In API, you spend 1 credit for each received request result (for example, when receiving information using the Top by keyword method, in most cases, you will spend 100 credits since in the response we will receive the top 100 domains for the selected key).
Number of lines — this definition is only used in our export credits.
— How and when are the credits added?
— The system of credits is arranged in this way: you have a certain number of credits to use per month (within 30 days). Upon the expiration of the credit month, the number of credits is updated. We consider the start date of the plan payment as the beginning of the credit month.
— What is the general information on the number of credits in each pricing plan?
— The general information on pricing plans can be checked on the pricing page. Or you can ask us in the online chat.
— Where can I check the current number of credits?
— You can check your current number of credits for each module in your profile.
User's profile
— I see 100/100, is it 100 used or 100 left?
— We show you how many credits LEFT. For example, 70/100 means that 70 out of 100 possible credits are still available.
— What are export credits?
— Export credits are counted in lines. 1 line means that information was received for one keyword or domain. The credits are calculated for 1 month. They are added once a month, depending on the date of payment for the pricing plan.
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How are credits calculated in each module and tool?

Credits for sites, keywords and links analysis
— The credits for Search analytics (Website analysis and Keyword research) and Backlink analysis are common and counted for 1 day (number of credits depends on the pricing plan).

Credits in these modules are spent on:

  • request for the site/keyword;
  • refreshing the page;
  • using filter/sorting;
  • switching to another report;
  • changing the search database;
  • changing the type of tracking;
  • for Keyword batch analysis (5 credits will be spent for each selected search engine in the project, i.e. if you add 10 keywords with 2 search engines, you will spend: 2 search engines * 5 credits = 10 credits).
Rank tracker
— The credits are counted for 1 month. They are added once a month, depending on the date of payment for the pricing plan.
For each update of information on a keyword, 1 credit is removed. For each region, 1 extra credit is also removed.

For example,
10 keys for 1 region = 10 credits;
10 keys in 2 regions = 20 credits;
20 keys in 2 regions = 40 credits, etc.
Attention! When setting up a project in Rank tracker, do not forget to take into account the monitoring frequency, which you can specify in the schedule. Since the credits are written off for each update of the keyword, the number of spent credits for 1 keyword with 2 search regions and for 5 updates (1 * 2 * 5) = 10 credits.
Site audit
— The credits are counted for 1 month. They are added once a month, depending on the date of payment for the pricing plan. 1 credit is removed for 1 scanned page.

For example, if we get a result for 1000 pages at the end of the scanning, it will be 1000 credits.

From December 29, 2021, the storage period for detailed project data will be limited to a period of 3 months to 5 years, and then the data will be deleted.

If more than 3 months have passed since the last date of the audit, such data as issue types and URLs, on which they are located, will be deleted. All that remains is the SDO and the number of issues. The storage period will depend on the pricing plan.

Retention times for the following plans:
  • Registered user, Promo, Trial, Student, Lecturer, Plan A, AppSumo, Appsumo 2, Stacksocial — 3 months
  • Lite, Plan B — 12 months
  • Standard, Plan C, Partners — 24 months
  • Advanced, Plan D — 36 months
  • Enterprise — 60 months
The audit date is visible in the Summary report under the SDO score trend graph:
The date of Audit in Summary report
— Credits for Domain batch analysis, Keyword batch analysis, Clustering and Text analysis are general and counted for 1 month. They are added once a month, depending on the date of payment for the pricing plan.
Below there is information about spending credits for each of these tools:

The credits for Keyword clustering and Text analysis are common. 1 credit is removed for 1 key on which the project is launched in Clustering/Text Analytics.
1) Domain batch analysis
1 domain * 1 metric * 1 database = 1 credit
Number of domains * number of metrics * number of databases (only for search analytics parameters) = numbers of credits.

Metrics for analysis are parameters chosen in settings (visibility, traffic, keywords, backlinks, Domain rank, etc.).
When you select backlink analysis parameters, regions are not considered for spending credits.


1 domain * (9 metrics for backlinks analysis + 9 metrics for domain analysis * 2 search databases) = 9 credits for backlink analysis + (9 credits for domain analysis * 2 bases) = 27 credits.

2) Keyword batch analysis
- Update volume
1 keyword = 2 credits
Number of keywords * number of search engines * 2= number of credits.

10 keywords with 5 search engines (10 * 5 * 2) = 100 credits will be charged.

Please note: for creating a project and adding keywords you will spend credits of Credits for sites, keywords and links analysis (described above). If you want to add keywords to our database, the credits will be not charged.

3) Keyword clustering
1 keyword = 5 credits.
Number of keywords * 5 = number of spent credits.

When you add 20 keywords to the project, you spend: 20 keywords * 5 = 100 credits.

4) Text analysis
1 keyword = 5 credits.
Number of keywords * 5 = number of spent credits.

Example: Running text analysis for the cluster of 10 keywords, you will spend: 10 * 5 = 50 credits.
What are the API credits and how are they spent?
— There are 2 types of credits when working with API: the number of requests per second and the number of lines.
Requests per second is the number of simultaneous API threads per second.
Lines are the number of results in the returned query response.
The number of credits removed per request is 1 (in methods of Summary reports — 5) per line or for the block of responce (the method removes as many credits as lines/blocks received in the API response).
For an example of a method response and information of spending credits for them, see the API documentation.

Credits will be charged for any API requests in accordance with your pricing plan. Including identical requests and requests for export.

The maximum number of results returned by API methods is 60,000. If you need more results, please use methods of export.
Would you like to learn more about credits?

Order a free personal demo of the service, and our specialists will tell you everything about credits and pricing plans!
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Personal demonstration
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— What to do if the credits for one of the modules are over?
— You can check the date of the next credits update in your Profile in the line "Credits update" (1).
It is also possible to buy additional credits for any module separately until the credits are updated in the current period, you can do this using the "Add" button (2) opposite the needed module. A support chat will be opened, and you will be connected to your account manager to discuss the details.
The date of credits update and the button for buying additional credits
Don't hesitate to ask us in our support chat, if you have any questions.
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