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Perfect Troubleshooting: Secret Tricks To Solve Common Ranking Problems
#1 Problem: you track only the positions of your site instead of seeing a picture of the market
You can track not only the positions of your domain but also as many competitors as there are in the top results in your niche.
If we want to track the positions of our competitors, we must add them to the Competitors tab. You won't spend additional limits for adding aliases or competitors to the project. If Serpstat finds the added domains in search results, it will save information on them.
#2 Problem: you check positions of your site less often as your tasks require
A flexible schedule is an important factor for time and budget planning. The tracking schedule depends on the needs of the business — some of them need to track positions depending on the season, while others need to track positions regularly.
Flexible daily, weekly (on certain days of the week), monthly (on specific dates of the month), tracking schedule, flexible frequency settings (every N days). Now you can set up a daily check, on certain days of the week, on specific dates, set the frequency every 2,3,4,5, N days.
If you are planning a vacation or there is a need to pause the project, the switch allows you to do this.
In this case, the project will not be listed for verification until you turn it on manually. No data will be collected; no limits will be spent.
#3 Problem: you temporarily don't need rank tracking
You can pause rank tracking in specific regions without deleting the project. You won't spend limits, and at the same time, historical data is available.
If you need to switch off the tracking for a search region, and at the same time have access to the data that has already been collected, it is possible to deactivate the search region. If a region is disabled, you won't get the information, and won't spend any limits. You can turn on the search region again, and data will start collecting.
#4 Problem: you need to get data for a large number of key words quickly
Grouping keywords by tags. Tags in the project are used to simplify data filtering by category of keywords.
In large projects of online stores, a filter by tag allows you to see the status of the project by groups of keywords. This is convenient if you need to get a quick view of your project, so you'll understand which sections of your site require refinement and optimization, and which are ranked in high positions.
It is also handy if you have one large project that several experts are working on. Then, you can use tags not to select keywords manually, especially if you plan to export the report, as it is saved as the user sees it.
#5 Problem: you don't know if your positions are high because you don't see the URLs in SERP
Rank Tracker helps you see if the URL in SERP matches the expected one for a particular keyword.
It is possible to add expected URLs to imported keywords. A keyword can only have one URL per search region. That is, if we have three regions and one keyword in the project, you can add a maximum of three URLs, one for each combination of keyword + search region. You'll see if you are competing in SERPs with your own pages. It is possible that you are already in the top for these requests, just concentrating on other pages. So you can quickly reach the top for your needs.
#6 Problem: you need to track the position of the site in the global market or local issuance
Rank Tracker allows you to do all this in one module. This is especially important if your site covers different regions, or is directed at users of the mobile and desktop version. Automated search engine position tracking makes it possible to configure the results for specific user settings - precisely what your potential customers see.
#7 Problem: you need to find out if there were any abnormal spikes in the search engine results for a certain date
Statistics for a single keyword (position dynamics, storm, snippets). Information about the dynamics of positions, storm, and snippets is displayed by keyword, search region, and for the selected period. You can trace the entire history of the domain in search results for the selected period on the graph.
Why use the storm? If the positions of your site had a sharp change but there are no reasons for this, it is necessary to check the storm. If the storm value is high, then it is possible that the search engine has changed the ranking algorithm, and such jumps happened not only for the project domain but also for all competitors.
#8 Problem: you need to check the results of optimization on a page quickly
Quick filters by URL in the results and by keywords in the project. Filter by URL, and voila - evaluate the results of the SEO specialist or your own and adjust the strategy. Set up the filter by keywords that have got out of the top and save specific pages to identify problem areas quickly. Filters will help you find successful strategies and implement them on other pages.
It is possible to do one click to determine where positions went down, where they grew up, and where they left the top or came back:
- All keywords - the default filter with which the report is loaded. The filter loads all the keywords added to the project, including phrases for which there is no data.
- Without changes - keywords that had a position, and it has not changed. Or, according to the phrase, the domain was outside the top and remained there.
- Positions up - all the keywords for which the positions grew or the domain was out of the top and entered it.
- Positions down - all keywords for which positions fell or the domain was in the top, and then it fell out.
- Got in - keywords by which domain got in the top.
- Got out - keywords by which domain got out of the top.
- Out of top - all keywords for which the domain is out of the top for the last positions check.
#9 Problem: you don't compare your own progress to the progress of your competitors
Serpstat allows you to analyze the size of your and your competitor's market shares.
Market share distribution analysis is a handy feature for both marketers and SEO specialists. You can use it for monitoring your own progress within a niche and compare it to the growth of your competitors, to see if your optimization brings more clients to your website.
Another remarkable feature is market analysis. If you're thinking of joining a new market, it's best to start with a study, so you know the leading websites and what part of a market share you'll be able to grab.
This tool compares the visibility score of a domain within a niche compared to the visibility scores of all competing domains. By monitoring the size of a market share, SEO and Marketing specialists can see how the website is improving regardless of the ranking. Market share analysis accounts for search volume and CTR, which is more useful than just looking at the website's position for a particular keyword. Improving visibility for 100 low-volume keywords may result in expanding your market share more than ranking for a few keywords with high search volume.
#10 Problem: you don't promote where you need and therefore don't get positive results
Сompare paid and organic, desktop and mobile search results, evaluate competitors and promote with the least effort.
Instead of paying for the context advertizing, evaluate your position in the organic. Perhaps you should not spend money on advertising for those requests for which you are already in the organic top. Focus on the context of those queries for which you are significantly behind competitors.
Estimate the level of competition in desktop and mobile SERPs. And while your colleagues are engaged in promotion on the desktop, get involved in the promotion of mobile results and get into the top with minimal effort.
Analyze the positions of your competitors and adjust your promotion strategy. Perhaps you look at the desktop search, and your audience uses mobile gadgets.
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