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Serpstat updates October 21, 2020  |  11742   30   |  10 min read  – Read later

How To Check Site Positions At Any Suitable Time

We implemented manual positions check in the Rank Tracking module
Как проверить позиции сайта в любое удобное время
Максим Астахов
Maksym Astakhov
Product/Project Manager at Serpstat
Due to numerous user requests, we have added a new feature - сhecking positions in manual mode. Now you don't need to wait for data according to the project schedule; you can receive the latest information about positions at any convenient time. In this article, I'll explain the benefits of the new feature and how to use it.
Advantages of manual position check
The new feature is easy to use and understand and has many benefits. Here are some of them:
Previously, positions were checked only automatically at 00:00 according to the time zone set in the project, and the data could only be obtained at once for all added keywords and regions. In manual mode, you can select only those regions and phrases you want to get current positions for.
If there have been changes on your site recently and you need to check the current positions, our manual update will solve this problem.
Let me remind you how the instrument checked positions before: it was necessary to change the current schedule, and it was possible to get data on positions only the next day. Or create a new project for the domain to get the data in a couple of hours. Obviously, with the manual mode this problem will no longer arise :)
Manual mode will allow you to check the project positions even several times a day. For example, after making changes to an advertising campaign. You already know that Rank Tracker has an opportunity to check positions by regions in context. Positions are checked at 00:00 according to the project time zone; if the advertisement is set to be shown only in the daytime, the tool will not fix these ads at night. Previously, to obtain data on PPC site positions, our users used SERP Crawling, and now this task can be solved by manual updating.
Obtain data on PPC site positions
The following situation is also possible: when checking positions, you didn't have enough credits; you bought them additionally, but today's check has already ended. Then you can filter out all keywords without data for today and process them manually.

Rank Tracking credits will be spent in the same way as before. The number of keywords is multiplied by the number of regions added.

For example, if you add 100 keywords and 2 regions, you will get 200 positions, i.e. 200 credits will be spent.
You can turn off automatic rank tracking and check positions only if necessary, which will save your credits.
We make sure that the user won't be able to repeatedly or accidentally check a keyword until fresh data is displayed. You won't send the same keywords for review twice.
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How manual positions check works
You know that you want to use the tool. Now we will understand how it works. Looking ahead - it's elementary!
If you plan to check positions only in manual mode, you need to disable automatic tracking in project settings.
Automatic positions trackings disabled
But if you want to check positions on a schedule and additionally get data manually, then nothing needs to be changed in the settings.
You can set keywords on manual tracking of positions in 3 steps:
select regions for which you want to check positions;
select keywords using checkboxes;
press the manual mode start button.
You will see a pop-up with a warning if you have not selected keywords and clicked to start manual update.
Notification "Select keywords"
If you have selected keywords and you don't have enough credits to receive the data, you will receive a notification about this.
Notification "You don't have enough credits"
How To Track Website Positions Via API: New Methods In Serpstat API For Rank Tracking
We have added a progress bar to help you understand how many keywords are still being updated and what percentage of them have been checked right now. It is displayed only when at least 1 keyword for 1 region in the project has been set for position checking.
Progress bar
The progress bar displays the product of the number of keywords by the number of regions that have already been checked. Next to it is indicated how many keywords were set for tracking positions when the report was loaded. The number of keywords for which positions have already been checked is displayed in brackets. The progress bar is updated in real-time without reloading the report.
Example. The user sets 100 keywords in 2 regions to check positions; after that, the user will see 200 keys on tracking.
After 5 minutes, the user reloads the report, and it displays 150 keywords instead of 200. This will happen because the report was updated by the time the position data for some keywords had already been received.
When the keyword is submitted for manual check, the loader will be displayed in the Position column.
Loader in the Positions column
Which projects will benefit from the update
Any user who has access to Rank Tracker can use the manual mode if necessary. I will give you an example of projects for which such a function will be especially useful:
You track the site's positions on contextual advertising, and you need data at a certain time of the day. But at the same time, you have regions for organic search results, for which you want to check all positions automatically. Then there is a way out, how not to burn extra credits on taking positions in contextual regions at night.
You have an eCommerce project with thousands of keywords categorized using tags. For example, you track the project's positions once a week, but there was a need to check the site positions in the mobile phones category in connection with the release of a new iPhone model. You can select a certain category of keywords using the tag, select all the phrases in the category, and set them on manual picking of positions. The result is fewer spent limits and fresh positions only for the necessary keywords.
There are undoubtedly many advantages to manually tracking positions. This function is suitable for any project. It will help you track site positions in organic and paid search results, get data convenient for you, and not spend extra limits. If you have any questions, feel free to write in the comments or to our technical support :)
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