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How To Automate Searching For Technical Issues: Leave All Your Work To Our API

How To Discover A Competitor's Budget For Contextual Advertising: 3 Unusual Methods
Pavel Alekseev
Pavel Alekseev
Product/Project Manager at Serpstat
Following the introduction of the Links Intersection report, we want to please you with another feature that everyone has been waiting for a long time - the ability to use Site Audit via SEO API! This is an important update that will make your work much more comfortable and faster and save tons of time and money. Let's find out how Audit API can help you.
Advanced SEO Audit: A Complete Guide To All Stages Of The Analysis [Infographic] + eBook And Checklist
Note! Site Audit is now available in Serpstat API. You can search for technical issues on the site through the API and receive a JSON format response. By the way, the audit documentation is based on Postman, a free program for launching API.

Why do you need API and what are its advantages
API (Application Programming Interface) allows users to access specific functions or components of a tool. The API lets you query the Serpstat server and retrieve data without having to use the tool's interface.

API Serpstat covers Website Analysis, Keyword Analysis, Site Audit, Backlink Analysis. Such businesses as Flatfy, WebXpage, Accesstrade are already using Serpstat API to approach their goals.

You can use the API as part of your plan with the following features:
Key features of using Audit API:
Possibility to upload and analyze a large amount of data.
Automation of routine SEO processes for searching and
fixing errors.
Saving time for the development of additional integrations.
Creation of custom reports and dashboards.
Aggregating audit results and generating your own reports.
Working with data: there is no need to go to the Serpstat interface to view the report, you can use the API method and see the result.
Now, I'll tell you about the methods that allow you to automate the site check for errors.

How to get started with API
I'll show you how to work with the Audit API using one of the reports as an example:
Create a request for an entry point using the Postman interface.
Then confirm that you are a Serpstat user by entering your token. The key can be found in your personal account.
Copy the token and enter the server URL field instead of {{token}}.
Line: {{{token}}
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How to audit a website using Serpstat API
To send a request to the Serpstat servers, you need to specify the method that you want to use. In this example, I'll show you how to use the .getBasicInfo method with technical website auditing tool:
 "method": "auditProjectReport.getBasicInfo",
  "jsonrpc": "2.0"
Report details:

Method - shows what data we get in the final report.
ReportId is the ID of the audit report.

This is how the report looks like:
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "reportId": 400696,
        "date": "2019-03-18 17:58:25",
        "sdo": 79,
        "highCount": 20,
        "mediumCount": 618,
        "lowCount": 124,
        "informationCount": 580,
        "virusesCount": 0,
        "specialStopReason": 3,
        "checkedPageCount": 50,
        "totalCheckedPageCount": 51,
        "redirectCount": 200,
        "captchaDetected": true
    "jsonrpc": "2.0"
reportId(int) — report identifier.
date(string) — start date of the report.
sdo(int) — SDO.
highCount(int) — number of high priority issues.
mediumCount(int) — number of medium priority issues.
lowCount(int) — number of low priority issues.
InformationCount(int) — number of information priority issues.
virusesCount(int) — number of pages with viruses.
specialStopReason(int) — stop reason code.
checkedPageCount(int) — number of pages checked.
totalCheckedPageCount(int) — URLs checked (pages, redirects, images, etc).
redirectCount(int) — the number of pages where redirect was found.
captchaDetected(boolean) — captcha found during crawling.
In the report, you will find information on SDO - Serpstat Domain Rank; the number of High, Medium, Low, Information checks; the number of pages where malware was detected.

What API methods are available for audit
There are currently 14 Site Audit methods available that correspond to the Serpstat interface. Let's take a look at each method.

Start, stop, basic information:
AuditSite.start - starting SEO audit according to the settings saved earlier.
AuditSite.getList - getting a list of audits performed by project ID. Also, for each of the reports, you can get a list of basic data: SDO, the number of scanned pages, the number of checks of different categories.
AuditSite.stop - canceling a running audit.
AuditSite.getBasicInfo - getting basic information on the report.
AuditSite.getDefaultSettings - getting a list of all default values for all settings. This procedure is necessary so that when working with an audit, you can select the default settings.
AuditSite.getSettings - getting all settings for a specific project: you can view an array of settings for the specified project.
AuditSite.setSettings - saving all settings at once: you can save an array of settings for a specified project.
AuditSite.getScanUserUrlList - getting a list of imported or manually typed links for scanning. If the crawling type was specified at a given URL, then you can get a list of the URLs that were audited using this procedure.
AuditSite.getHistoryByCountError - data on the number of errors for the requested audit from all project reports.
AuditSite.getReportWithoutDetails - list of all error categories for the requested report without error details.
AuditSite.getErrorElements - elements of the requested error.
AuditSite.getSubElementsByCrc - subelements of the requested error.
AuditSite.getCategoriesStatistic - getting statistics by categories.
AuditSite.export - the procedure for starting the formation of an export file in the Summary report.
Also, in addition to the API methods described above, we have an API Console for those who want to work with the API, but do not have programming skills.

How to use the API via Postman: 5 easy steps for newbies
In conclusion, I want to show you simple instructions for using the API via Postman. It will be useful for those who were inspired by our new tool but have not yet tried working with the API.

Follow these simple steps and upload data at lightning speed:
First you need to download Postman. This software is free.
Next, run the program and, if necessary, create an account.
Create a new request:
профиль serpstat скопировать токен
Next, we proceed to configuring the request:
type of request — POST
in the tab body choose raw, then — JSON.
Fill in the request address and insert your token.
профиль serpstat скопировать токен
Next, fill in the request body.
профиль serpstat скопировать токен
Send a request and get the result:
профиль serpstat скопировать токен
Whether you are an advanced API user or no, this start guide will make your on-page SEO tasks a lot easier, especially if you need a quick analysis of the site for errors. Stay tuned for updates to this article to learn more about the capabilities of the Serpstat API.

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