Obtaining the list of pages and their positions by domain

The RtApiSerpResultsProcedure.getUrlsSerpResultsHistory method returns the history of the positions and urls for the keywords to the requested region. The data set is similar to the Rank tracker - Positions history.

Use case: Get a list of pages for a specific domain and their positions in search engines for further analysis and SEO optimization.
1. Use the RtApiSerpResultsProcedure.getUrlsSerpResultsHistory method to get a list of pages for a
    domain and their positions in search results for the specified keywords.

2. Get a list of domain pages and their positions for various keywords.
3. Use the data to analyze the best and worst ranking pages of the domain. Analyze which key phrases lead to
    these positions and determine which pages need to be optimized or updated with new content.

General request parameters and instructions for using Serpstat API

Search databases available

Request parameters





Default value

Value options


A request id: the response contains the same id.



Any text or number value.
For example: 1, test, тест


API method name





The object with parameters {...}, it lists all the following parameters and arrays [...]


projectId Project ID int yes Number value of project
projectRegionId Region ID int yes Number value of region
page Page number int yes 1 Number value
pageSize Number of results per page int no 100 Number value. Possible values: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500
dateFrom Start date of the period for which the data is required date no All dates of withdrawal of positions Number value, data format: yyyy-mm-dd
dateTo End date of the period for which the data is required date no All dates of withdrawal of positions Number value, data format: yyyy-mm-dd
sort Sorting by parameters string no alphabetically "date" — Sorting by date,
"keyword" — Sorting alphabetically
order Sorting order string no desc desc — descending order,
asc — ascending order
keywords Keywords for which pages and positions are required array no All keywords of the project Text value.
The maximum number of keywords that can be filtered is 1000.
domain Domain or page for which the data is required string no project domain Text value.
Data format:
domain.com — domain,
https://domain.com/ — page
withTags Display tags for the kewords string no false Text value.
"true" or "false"

Response parameters
Parameter Description
id Response id corresponds the request id
result Contains the answer
Object with data
projectId Project ID
projectRegionId Region ID
domain Domain or page for which the search results are requested
keywords Array with keywords
keyword Keyword
frequency Search volume per month in the selected country or city
expectedUrl A landing page that is optimized for a specific keyword (if it was added in the project)
tags Array of tag`s id and value (name of the tag)
history Array with dates of search results by keyword
date Search results date
positions Array with positions of domain or page
position Position
url A page that appears in search results for a specific keyword
positionBlock (only for PPC) PPC block:
* top — top ad block;
* sidebar — side ad block;
* bottom — bottom ad block
summary info Summary data block
page Current page
page_total Number of pages with the results for the selected parameter pageSize
count Number of results per page
total Total number of results
sort Sorting by parameters
order Sorting order

Possible errors in response
Error's code Description
-32009\-32602 Invalid request parameters. Description of parameters with issues and why that happened
-33054 Project deleted
-34001 Invalid projectRegionId for project
-34002 Date range must be have less 30 parsing dates
-34003 Keywords not found in project
-32002 Empty result

Credits for this method are not deducted.

Request data:
    "id": 1,
    "method": "RtApiSerpResultsProcedure.getUrlsSerpResultsHistory",
    "params": {
        "projectId": 930722,
        "projectRegionId": 309245,
        "page": 1,
        "pageSize": 500,
        "dateFrom": "2023-10-09",
        "dateTo": "2023-10-23",
        "sort": "date",
        "order": "desc",
        "keywords": [],

        "withTags": false,
        "domain": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
Response data:
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "data": {
            "projectId": 930722,
            "projectRegionId": 309245,
            "domain": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/",
            "keywords": [
                    "keyword": "фрэнчи",
                    "frequency": 27100,
                    "expectedUrl": "https://makeup.com.ua/",
                    "history": [
                            "date": "2023-10-23",
                            "positions": [
                                    "position": 1,
                                    "url": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
                            "date": "2023-10-16",
                            "positions": [
                                    "position": 2,
                                    "url": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
                            "date": "2023-10-09",
                            "positions": [
                                    "position": 2,
                                    "url": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
                    "keyword": "френчи",
                    "frequency": 27100,
                    "expectedUrl": "",
                    "history": [
                            "date": "2023-10-23",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-16",
                            "positions": [
                                    "position": 2,
                                    "url": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
                            "date": "2023-10-09",
                            "positions": [
                                    "position": 2,
                                    "url": "https://makeup.com.ua/brand/29737/"
                    "keyword": "главкома",
                    "frequency": 165000,
                    "expectedUrl": "",
                    "history": [
                            "date": "2023-10-23",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-16",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-09",
                            "positions": []
                    "keyword": "мейкап украина",
                    "frequency": 0,
                    "expectedUrl": "https://www.americanhorror.fans/",
                    "history": [
                            "date": "2023-10-23",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-16",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-09",
                            "positions": []
                    "keyword": "косметика для всей семьи и не только покупайте и радуйтесь",
                    "frequency": 0,
                    "expectedUrl": "",
                    "history": [
                            "date": "2023-10-23",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-16",
                            "positions": []
                            "date": "2023-10-09",
                            "positions": []
        "summary_info": {
            "page": 1,
            "page_total": 1,
            "count": 500,
            "total": 44,
            "sort": "date",
            "order": "desc"
        "spent_limits": 0

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