Site Audit credits statistics

SerpstatLimitsProcedure.getAuditStats — this method displays the statistics of Site Audit credits.

Use case: With the SerpstatLimitsProcedure.getAuditStats method, check how many credits you have left.

Request parameters
Parameters Value Description
id any number or string A request id: the response contains the same id. Enter any number (number) or text (string) value
method SerpstatLimitsProcedure.getAuditStats API method name

Response parameters
Parameters Description
id Response id corresponds the request id
result Contains the answer
data Array with data
hasAuditOnePage Whether the Single Page Audit is available for the account
total The total number of credits given for a charged period on the account plan
used Total used credits
left How many credits are left to use until the end of the plan duration

Credits for this method are not deducted.

Request data:
 "method": "SerpstatLimitsProcedure.getAuditStats"
Response data:
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "data": {
            "hasAuditOnePage": true,
            "total": 1300,
            "used": 1207,
            "left": 93

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