Value of default settings in a project

AuditSite.getDefaultSettings — method introduces a list of default settings values in a project.

Request parameters
Parameter Value Description
id any number or string A request id: the response contains the same id. Enter any number (number) or text (string) value
method getDefaultSettings API method name AuditSite.getDefaultSettings
params {...} / [...] The object with parameters {...}, it lists all the following parameters and arrays [...]

Response parameters
Parameter Description
id Response id corresponds the request id
result Contains the answer
domain Project domain
name Project name
subdomainsCheck Subdomains check
pagesLimit Scan pages limit
scanSpeed Scan speed
autoSpeed Auto speed control
autoUserAgent User Agent auto switch at unsuccessful server response
scanNoIndex No-index pages scanning
scanWrongCanonical Incorrect canonical pages scanning
scanDuration Scan duration
folderDepth Scan folder depth
urlDepth URL depth
userAgent User Agent
robotsTxt Robots.txt regulations check
dontScanKeywordsBlock Don’t scan pages with keywords in URL
onlyScanKeywordsBlock Scan only pages with keywords in URL
baseAuthBlock Access to websites shut down with BaseAuth
login BaseAuth login
password BaseAuth password
mailTriggerSettings Trigger mail settings
emails Array of emails trigger mail to be sent
interval Interval of trigger mailing
enabled Trigger mail enabling
scheduleSettings Scan schedule settings
scheduleRepeatOption Scan interval id
scanSetting Scan type settings
type Scan type mode id
list Arrays of URL to be scanned
importedFilename File name of previously imported URL
Advanced settings
The minimum number of characters in title
The maximum number of characters in title
The minimum number of characters in the description
The maximum number of characters in the description
URL is too long
Page size is too large
Too many external links

Credits for this method are not deducted.

Request data:

 "method": "AuditSite.getDefaultSettings",
Response data:

    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "mainSettings": {
            "domain": "",
            "name": "",
            "subdomainsCheck": true,
            "pagesLimit": 5000,
            "scanSpeed": 3,
            "autoSpeed": true,
            "scanNoIndex": false,
            "scanWrongCanonical": true,
            "autoUserAgent": true,
            "scanDuration": 6,
            "folderDepth": 0,
            "urlDepth": 10,
            "userAgent": 0,
            "robotsTxt": true,
            "withImages": true
        "dontScanKeywordsBlock": {
            "checked": false,
            "keywords": ""
        "onlyScanKeywordsBlock": {
            "checked": false,
            "keywords": ""
        "baseAuthBlock": {
            "login": "",
            "password": ""
        "mailTriggerSettings": {
            "emails": [],
            "interval": 7,
            "enabled": true,
            "enableExportAfterFinish": true
        "scheduleSettings": {
            "scheduleRepeatOption": 3
        "scanSetting": {
            "type": 1,
            "list": []
        "errorsSettings": {
            "tiny_title": 10,
            "long_title": 70,
            "tiny_desc": 100,
            "long_desc": 160,
            "long_url": 1024,
            "large_image_size": 100,
            "large_page_size": 2,
            "many_external_links": 500

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