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Which fonts, buttons and colors to use in the mobile version of a website
For mobile users' convenience, it's necessary to make links and buttons large enough on the website. It is also important to choose the right font size and consider the line spacing for the mobile website.
Which fonts, buttons and colors to use in the mobile version of a website
For mobile users' convenience, it's necessary to make links and buttons large enough on the website. It is also important to choose the right font size and consider the line spacing for the mobile website.
How To Find New Keywords And Expand Your Keyword List
Selecting keywords is necessary to collect and expand the keyword list used for SEO and PPC. Search engine keyword statistics, online services, and special software will help you to assemble a complete keyword list, contributing to the successful website promotion.
How to Find and Fix 404 Error on Your Website
404 not found: sounds so annoying, doesn't it? The 404 error means that the requested page couldn't be found because it doesn't exist and it is dangerous for your SEO. In this article we'll help you find and fix the errors. Stay with us, forewarned is forearmed!
How to reduce page size on your website
The website page size is important in the first place for its loading speed. If you don't optimize the loading speed, you risk losing traffic. SEO optimization considers this phenomenon a priority.
How to build an anchor-list for link mass increasing
An anchor-list is needed for a link-based promotion. It helps to increase search optimization performance and eases the link-building process. What are the anchors? How do we build an anchor list for a better backlink profile? The answers are in the article.
How to create a 5XX-error page on a site
A 500-error appears when there are internal problems with the server. They can be solved independently or by turning to a hoster. Make the error page well-designed in order not to lose clients because of various server problems.