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Which search engines are the most popular on the Internet: a comparison of regions
Serpstat compiled statistics on the most popular search engines. The popularity of search engines is measured by special statistical services. Search engine ratings are radically different across the world map. Despite Google's absolute leadership in the global top, this search engine is not in the first place in all countries.
Which search engines are the most popular on the Internet: a comparison of regions
Serpstat compiled statistics on the most popular search engines. The popularity of search engines is measured by special statistical services. Search engine ratings are radically different across the world map. Despite Google's absolute leadership in the global top, this search engine is not in the first place in all countries.
How to add lang and hreflang attributes to the page code
Lang and hreflang attributes are necessary for indication page references, created from a variety of languages. They help to search systems to have the output results, optimized for a special area, language, or dialect.
How to Write Engaging Content: 8 Actionable Tips
Imagine your 3 hours of writing a compelling blog post going to waste. Painful right? If you want your content to receive more eyeballs, you need to write engaging content. How do you achieve that? That's what we are going to show you in this post.
What’s the purpose of website log analysis
Learn the best ways to analyze website logs. Each reference to your web resource is recorded both from the user and from the search crawlers. This allows you to see which search engines crawl your website, how the visitor behaved on the website, and more.
The robots.txt utility file contains rules for indexing your website with specific (or all) search engine bots. You can try to close the website from Google indexing.Is this going to work? Keep your answer in mind, below you can check if our ideas coincide.
SEO Guide For New Ecommerce Websites
This guide is a collection of the finest gems of Ecommerce SEO wisdom. Apply the advised tips smartly, and you'll advance a nondescript website to riches soon.