The page size of a website directly affects its ranking. The greater the weight, the longer it takes to load it. The search engine bot will mark the heavy page as useless and will lower it in the SERP. You need to monitor the size of all website pages.
Are you eager to know what search engine brings you the most traffic? Yep, first and foremost is understanding the traffic distribution process. We prepared an article to boost your skills. Enjoy!
All information on the websites is often organized conveniently. But it may be inconvenient for real visitors, since it may not coincide with their understanding of the product. So the structure on such sites does not help to find what you want and often prevents it.
Essentially, the Title and H1 meta tags are headers but they have different purposes. The Title refers to the title of the entire page. H1 only summarizes its textual section. Both headings have a positive effect on the conversion of a particular page.
For effective promotion, the anchor text list should look natural and not spammed. In case of excessive use of keywords as anchor text, search engines apply filters to the site, which significantly reduce traffic.
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