Cases April 13, 2022  |  4693   6   |  9 min read  – Read later

The most effective way to find growth prospects for a desktop app development company

Kateryna Hordiienko
Customer Support & Education Specialist at Serpstat
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Development of a desktop application involves a wide range of activities, such as creating an architecture for the future program and its database, writing APIs, implementing code, logic execution, and finally downloading to the AppStore or GooglePlay, optimization, and then testing, improving, and providing support. If marketing efforts aren't directed towards this cycle, the desired results won't be achieved.

Characteristics of desktop application promotion

In order to develop software development projects, from health & fitness apps to productivity software to enterprise utilities and financial accounting programs, you must keep an eye on the audience and read their needs accurately.

Due to the rapid evolution of browsers and cloud products, it is imperative to focus on the target audience's needs, which require desktop solutions. As an alternative, you can also qualify only for Windows or Mac OS, which are not as saturated with software products in the application development market.

An essential requirement of the niche is the ability to process large data sets using API with subsequent integration into work services for data processing and storage, such as BigQuery.

How to find prospects for this industry?

Search queries are a good indicator of the audience's needs. To find promising directions, you must collect a keyword pool containing specific marker queries and compare them with the keywords the website is already ranked.

This keyword research will be helpful to prepare prevalent content, i.e., collecting new clusters of search queries and creating pages for them.

How to perform this task using Serpstat?

First, you need to compile queries in the niche without reference to brand keywords. Such actions should be carried out on suitable databases, directing efforts to new markets. If the main goal is to find growth prospects, you can get the necessary data also through the analysis of competitors.

For example, Mac OS software product promotion starts by discovering " Mac OS" keywords. This first step will help you find missing keywords and, if necessary, expand the range of services by adding new categories to the website. Then, keywords research will be worthwhile.

How to collect a keyword pool for a small project?

Enter the first keyword in the search bar, select the desired search engine (Google US) and go to Keywords selection or Related keywords.
You can select several keywords with high search volume and low KD (keyword difficulty) in organic promotion and the so-called "long-tail" phrases by filtering and sorting from the proposed list.
Serpstat, Related keywords
Next, select the negative keywords you want to specify as filtering options, such as the word "free," as well as toponyms and misspelled words. Custom filtering possibility:
Filtering in Serpstat
More filtering logic components can be found in the reports you will find here.
Would you like to find an instant result for your keywords? Enter the phrase in the form below and get an example of the report data:
Thus, we have received many information queries, which can be exported and compared with the keywords of our domain to identify new approaches for further expansion of Keyword research.

These keyword phrases can be sorted by search volume, KD, or PPC competition level and then — exported in a convenient format.
If you only need to export a certain number of results, you can use the Partial row export feature.

How to work with keywords on a large scale?

Let's check an example of working with the API to get thousands of keywords in one go. First, consider the algorithm for operating with the commercial keyword "software development mac" using the Related keywords method. This API option displays search queries from the Top 20 semantically related to the analyzed keyword.
Copy the endpoint for the desired API v4 method on the API Documentation, Getting started - Request parameters page.
API endpoint
Insert the API source to the program you are using to get the result. In the example, it is Postman. As an additional parameter, we use the POST method and specify our personal token Serpstat.
Postman endpoint
Copy the request sample on the method page (Keyword Methods - Related Keywords).
API Related keywords
Insert into the "request body" and specify the necessary parameters.
API parameters
Receive the result after sending the request and save it for further research or storing.

Postman, save result
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How to identify profitable search queries?

To understand how a project's website ranks in a particular search engine and what areas our content has already covered, we check keywords by domain and compare them with the first list of marker phrases.

As an experiment, we will search for URLs that rank high in the SERP by the keyword "mac os apps" from the Top pages report. Such an example might be your or your competitor's website.
Top pages
Go to SEO Research - Keywords by domain report, filter brand queries, irrelevant keywords, toponyms.
Filtering in Serpstat example
Check, sort, export the result.
Export in Serpstat
Use the Keyword batch analysis to get up-to-date keyword information. Serpstat allows you to send queries directly from the Domain analysis via the "Operations" button. The primary metrics will determine how valuable these keywords are. You can check the search volume, KD, and other indicators simultaneously for 5 Serpstat databases. After updating the search volume, you will see a trend that reflects the popularity of the keyword. The ability to group individual batches of queries will simplify the navigation of your dataset.
By comparing, we can determine which keywords are missing. Next, we will analyze which pages need further optimization.
To see the structure of your website, use the Tree view report.
You can use position filtering from 11 to 20 to identify site pages that don't earn a spot in the top 10. Then, use it for optimization to get the first page on the SERP.
Use prospective keywords to check your positions in real-time operating the Rank Tracker.
Using this method, we seized two lists with keywords:
Queries assigned some growth points, missing keywords.
Queries by our domain to check the effectiveness, increase the text's relevance, and improve the content.

Related use-cases:

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