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Serpstat updates April 8, 2022  |  6238   |  24 min read  – Read later

How to Replace An SEO Service With Serpstat

Как мигрировать в Serpstat с другого сервиса
Анастасия Сотула
Anastasiia Sotula
Blog Editor at Serpstat
Every so often SEO specialists or teams come to a point where the service they use no longer meets their needs but switching to another one endangers the data and requires rebuilding all the processes.

We face many requests from our users regarding moving from another service to ours. So we decided to write a comprehensive article on how to replace some other service with Serpstat, what difficulties you may face, and what to do to make this process as easy as possible.
Our team regularly receives requests from users who want to move to Serpstat from another SEO service. However, we realized that the demand for relocation is much lower than it could be.

The reason is that well-known alternative services do not offer such an option.

We are happy to provide our clients with a great solution, as well as assistance in migration and clear workflow. As a result, we get such feedback: "How come I never knew that before?"
It's pretty obvious that we can only help those users with whom we communicate personally, who contact our support or get in touch with the sales department. However, many customers are not even aware of such a possibility.

That is why we decided to highlight this topic so that everyone reading our blog knows that we are always ready to help!

Why Does a Question About Migration To a New Service Arise

As was already mentioned, users often want to switch from one service to another, and there can be many reasons for this. After analyzing customer feedback, we've put together the most common ones here:
A search for alternatives to services that were used before. It is probably the most common reason. The scheme is simple: purchase a Ukrainian service → support a Ukrainian business → help Ukraine's economy.
A service that you currently use doesn't solve the challenges you face anymore. When starting to work with a certain tool, it is difficult to take into account all the nuances and determine if it's going to meet all the needs, especially if the user makes a decision completely on their own. In addition, new requirements keep arising in the process, and therefore a dozen tools get accumulated for different tasks (for which the user ends up paying ten times more).

Serpstat is an all-in-one SEO platform that allows you not to opt for 10 different interfaces for auditing and collecting semantics, but to combine everything within one service in your browser. In order for the service to meet all your demands from the get-go, we provide high-quality onboarding with an individual curator who will consult you on what tools and in what order to use to get better results.

This resolves several problems at once:

  • the user knows if Serpstat meets their needs;
  • the user knows what tools the service contains;
  • they also know how to use the tools for individual business needs.
As a result, both parties are satisfied with the cooperation.

In addition, we are constantly improving our tools and introducing new ones. For example, we have recently added a new instrument – Keyword Trends, which shows popular searches within the region, which is especially useful for creating news. All updates are available in the changelog.
Quality, volume, and relevance of data. In the early stages of using an SEO service, you may not notice that the declared data can be no longer valid. There can be a lot of trash in search databases and in the backlink index, but such shortcomings do not appear right away. We pledge to provide accurate databases and openly share information about how we assemble all the data and how often we update it:

The speed of the tool does not correspond with the desired one. Nothing is as infuriating as a slow service when you need to quickly analyze the data.

Although, you should not forget that a service interface always works slower than the API. Only a few specialists know how to work with it, as programming skills are often required. We solved this problem and made tools for working with API, that do not require such knowledge. Moreover, unlike other tools, Serpstat APIs are already included in the standard tariffs and do not need to be purchased additionally.
Alternative data sources are needed for the sake of completeness. SEO specialists often need several tools to see the real state of affairs. Especially often, this need arises when working with keywords and backlinks.

Serpstat can act not only as an independent tool but also as an excellent addition to existing ones, as it has up-to-date databases and its own link index.
The team is growing, multi-access is needed, and the old service does not provide opportunities for appropriate teamwork. When working in an SEO team or agency, you need to keep everything under control. Sometimes a specialist can "lower" all the credits by mistake, and there arises a risk of wasting money.

Experienced managers know that it is important to distribute service credits among participants, but not all tools provide such an opportunity. Serpstat Team Management Mode helps clients control workflows and distribute access among specialists in the team.
The service price and hidden costs. The question of price is one of the most important. By purchasing a subscription to a service or buying software, the user expects that these are the final costs. But this is not always the case. For example, to use some services at full, you need to buy additional functionality by gathering all the necessary tools. Or there can be no access to the API on all tariff plans, which is why you have to buy more credits. Some services hide the full cost behind the additional purchase of credits: phrase monitoring, audit pages, and clustering keys are paid separately.

Serpstat has a transparent payment system. All tools, features, and API limits are included in the price of all plans. In addition, there is always the opportunity to create an individual custom tariff with the optimal set of limits for the needs of the project.
Serpstat Tariff Plans
Features included with all plans
The user stopped using SEMrush and came to us because of the high price of API methods they set. Its main task is to unload data by backlinks via API.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat

What Should Be Taken Into Account When Migrating

We described the reasons for switching to a new service, now let's go ahead. What problems can arise during this process? Here we will discuss the main concerns of our clients and how we work with them.
Problem #1: Loss of existing project data
Thesis: When replacing any service with another one, there are concerns that data can be lost or transferred incorrectly (for example, positions in search results, semantics, tags, backlinks).

Solution: For example, if there is data at certain positions, we suggest making a project transferring test. Depending on the result, it will be easier to make a decision.
Problem #2: New interface
Thesis: Customers are afraid that it is difficult for employees to leave the usual service they have used for a long time before and explore the new interface.

Solution: We provide a full-fledged onboarding, up to showing the action line in our interface.
Problem #3: Migrating can disrupt processes as well as project deadlines
Thesis: Users are afraid that we will not fit into certain time frames.

Solution: We submit the test file for processing in order to understand if there are hidden complexities. After their identification, the question remains only in the number of projects. Our product adheres to the time frames, depending on the data received (taking into account the mandatory double-checking of the correctness of the transferred data).
Our clients often use Serpstat in combination with other tools. A detailed acquaintance with the capabilities of the service leads to their refusing alternatives in favor of our service. Here are some examples from our managers:
The user knows our service well and has been working with its tools for a long time. Previously, Ahrefs has been used as the main and then as an auxiliary tool, but now Serpstat has completely replaced it.
Vera Zhukova, Key Customer Success Manager at Serpstat
The user compared Serpstat with Ahrefs and chose eventually us. He will track positions, expand semantics, monitor visibility dynamics, improve a link profile, and audit the site.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
The user wants to find a replacement for SEMrush, so he will explore and use the services to the maximum, especially when it comes to search analytics.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat

How To Migrate Quickly Without Data Loss

The process of replacement is not that difficult. It is enough to create an account with Serpstat, activate the subscription, and you are ready to receive data. Nevertheless, we recommend you carefully set up your account to make using the service more convenient:
to transfer projects/data that already are in Serpstat;
to set up multiuserness if the teamwork is foreseen;
to configure mailings;
to integrate data into your reports.

#1. Transferring of the Project

Rank tracking

This is a tool that allows you to track the position of the site for the target key phrases. Moreover, it can be used to monitor the positions of competitors' sites for free. SERP Rank Tracker reviews the entire market and helps segment the analysis using tagging (dividing the tracked keywords into groups).
Rank tracking. Report "Competitors"
Rank tracking. Report "Competitors"
We scan TOP 100 Google search results in Rank Tracker, which helps track the positions of competitors for free within one project. We can transfer rank tracking projects from any other service for free within a few days, keeping the position history!

It is possible to track traffic and visibility in different categories of the market. That is, our tool is not just a dry "keyword-position report," but a powerful tool that shows a lot of additional analytics.
— Ilya Mironenko, Customer Success Specialist at Serpstat
Position data transfer includes the following steps:
What can we transfer?

keywords and phrases;
positions (from 1 to 100 for Google);
tags (groups of keywords);
expected/landing pages;
actual pages.
What do we need to know from the client?

What projects they have in Serpstat
Current customers can configure projects on their own. If there is a need for any assistance, we are here to help.
For new customers, we can set up projects ourselves. We need the following data in order to do that:
  • Project domain that was tracked by another service. History has to be transferred.
  • Schedule for automatic credits removal (how often the user wants to track positions, and whether it should be on a specific day of the week or month). This setting can be changed or disabled at any time.
  • Regions for which positions will be tracked. If positions were tracked for certain regions in the previously used service, they need to be configured here in order to continue tracking correctly.
  • Indicators for the regions (customer can configure it on his own): search engine, search results (organic/contextual or both), type of device (desktop/mobile or both), country, region, city, language.
Historical data on project positions from another service

To-do list before transferring:
check the correctness of the selected period for which the transfer is planned;
check the information on all regions of the project (if there are several of them, and if they are uploaded separately);
rename the files so that it is clear to which project and to which region the uploaded positions by keywords belong.
Transfer process

After receiving the necessary data from the client, we:
check the information received and the correctness of the configured projects (in case of questions, we clarify them with the client);
prepare files for import (according to our template);
start to work and transfer positions;
check the result so that the transferred positions on the specified dates in the projects correspond to the positions from the files exported from another service;
notify the client that the transfer is completed, and he can already continue to track positions on his projects in our service.
And of course, our wonderful support team will help you figure everything out! By the way, we have a full-fledged case about how we did the impossible thing – we've transferred 220 user's projects to Serpstat in just a week.
The user planned to stop using SEMrush earlier, but now he decided to take advantage of special conditions to help Ukrainian businesses in a difficult period. Will track keywords in our service.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
The user abandoned SEMrush and now submits to us his projects in order to start using our Rank Checker Tool. Additionally works with Clustering and Text Analytics.
Vera Zhukova, Key Customer Success Manager at Serpstat
The user left SEMrush and came to us. He works with customer projects, at the moment there are more than 100 of them in Rank Checker. Projects are transferred to our tool.

He will use a number of other tools, trying to get the most out of all the functions.
— Gleb Grabovski, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
Leave a request for a consultation and discussion of the possibilities of transferring!

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Link analysis

It is no secret for any experienced SEO specialist that no link analysis service can give a full picture of backlinks. However, incomplete data often becomes a reason to migrate to a new service. Here's the good news! If you want to replace a similar service with Serpstat, you can "take the links you need with you."

What's this about? If you are familiar with Serpstat Competitor Backlink Analysis Tool, you're satisfied with it, and you want to accurately save your link data, add it yourself! Although there is no possibility to create a project in the module, since you get all the data on request from our index, you can use our Link Recrawl Tool. It has no competitors! Recrawl allows you to add backlinks you need to our index, which Serpstat for some reason has not found yet.
Serpstat Link Recrawl
Serpstat Link Recrawl
Search analytics

This is a module that includes:
Data migration by Search Analytics is adding the necessary keywords for a certain niche to our databases. If you need to add semantics from a previously used service to Serpstat, please contact our support team, and we will help you. The further process is on us. All you need is a list of keywords and the region in which you want to include the search queries.

Moreover, all the semantics you have for the project can be clustered, and text analytics can be carried out in Serpstat in order to elaborate the site structure.
The user leaves SEMrush. He likes our SERP Rank Checker Tool and "Clustering" Tool a lot.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
It's not the first time a user purchases a subscription. This time he leaves Ahrefs. He uses actively Serpstat "Clustering" and Text Analytics tools for page content optimization. He also does regular technical audits and analyzes competitors in Search Analytics.
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
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Personal Demonstration

Our specialists will contact you and provide you with all the information needed. This may include a personal demonstration, a trial period, comprehensive training articles, webinar recordings, and custom advice from a Serpstat specialist. It is our goal to make you feel comfortable while using Serpstat.
Personal demonstration
Leave a request, and we will conduct a personal demonstration of the service for you, provide you with a trial period, and offer comfortable conditions for starting exploring the tool

#2. Multiuser Configuration

If there is a team that will use the service, you need to configure an account and distribute the limits between its participants. Team Management Mode is a simple and easy-to-use tool.
Vadim Ivashkevich
Head of SEO Department at Seomarket UA
As for multiuserness, in the main account it is convenient to see who "burns" the limits and to prevent it on time if the person made a mistake. For example, there was a case when a specialist burned all the API limits because he was reloading a certain file into which data was pulled through the API. They found it in time, prevented the loss of limits, and the coolest thing is that he did not burn the limits of the entire agency, but only his own, which were distributed according to our Team Management Mode.

It is also useful to observe which employee analyzes more than others, and who does not use the tool at all. You can understand in time, "what's the matter." Probably, a person does not know many of the possibilities of the service and our budget is wasted on "simple tasks".

#3. Setting Up a Trigger Email Campaign

To always be aware of changes in your projects, set up trigger mailings for modules. Service letters can be received from the following modules – «Rank Checking», «Site Audit», «Search Analytics», «Backlink Analysis».

To set up a mailing list, just follow these simple steps:
Serpstat newsletter
Serpstat newsletter
go to the project dashboard;
select the required modules;
specify the email address(es);
select data for the newsletter;
adjust region settings if needed;
set a schedule;
save settings.

#4. Integration of Serpstat Data Into Internal Reports

SEO teams and agencies often have service data embedded in internal reports, dashboards, and reports for clients. Therefore, when switching the service, you need to reconfigure the reports. This is done in accordance with the internal rules of each company via API or other tools.

If you do not have such internal reports, but want to quickly visualize SEO data, we have a connector that allows you to do this in Google Data Studio.
The user works with full site optimization, tracking the growth of site positions, traffic, links in dynamics via API with subsequent data transfer to Data Studio.
Vera Zhukova, Key Customer Success Manager at Serpstat
The user's aim were backlinks. After successful testing of our API, he was happy to integrate the processes into our dashboard!
— Olesya Gorenko, Sales Account Executive at Serpstat
Leave a request for a consultation and discussion of the possibilities of transferring!

Send us a request, and our specialists will conduct a personal demonstration of the service for you :)
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As you can see, moving from one SEO service to another is not such a big deal! Everything can be done simply and quickly without losing a single kilobyte of data. Especially if you do it not alone, but with the help of a responsive team that provides assistance at every step and helps with onboarding :)
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