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How To Launch A Successful Advertising Campaign: 10 Lifehacks of API Console

How To Launch A Successful Advertising Campaign: 10 API Console Lifehacks
Andrey Belousov
Andrey Belousov
Growth Hacker at Serpstat
To launch a successful advertising campaign and outrun competitors in paid search, you need to take many factors into account: competitor analysis, high-quality semantics, selection of negative keywords, budget calculation, and much, much more.

Of course, one cannot do without specialized tools. The Serpstat SEO API Console will help you do all this, and more, in minutes.

What is an API console and what are its advantages

Although Serpstat has many features, your daily tasks may require special effort. If you need an unusual analysis of a huge amount of data for your SEO routine, then Serpstat API is a perfect solution for you.

High-quality keyword research, checking the top search results in seconds, quick competitive analysis and finding unusual solutions are just a few of the many advantages offered by Serpstat API. Everything from the analysis of the individual site to crawling with complex evaluations is at your fingertips.

Important! You don't need programming skills to work with API. You can find more information about the application of the interface in the manual.
However, to make your work even easier, we have developed the Seprstat API Console. It is an easy-to-use tool that has new methods that are not available with standard use of the API.
Attention. This utility is just an example of using the Serpstat API. Each user can create a similar script for their individual needs.
Сonsole advantages:
You do not need programming knowledge to use the API.
Batch data upload on multiple domains, URLs, keywords.
Lightning-fast data analysis and obtaining the result.
Automatic combining of analysis results across multiple reports.
The presence of convenient filters to sort the received data.
A lot of training materials on working with the console and use cases on our blog ;)
Now I will tell you some inspiring PPC cases that can be implemented using our API console.

How to find competitors' keywords

How to collect semantics for an ad campaign? Any business promoting in search engines asks this question. There is no single correct answer, as PPC specialists use their own keywords collection methods.

One of the fastest and most effective ways to select keywords for advertising campaigns is to analyze competitors and their semantics. Competitors are already paying for these keywords. This means that they have already passed the basic test of effectiveness.

Of course, there is a danger of getting to the overheated auction, where you'll find a very high competition level. But such a situation is possible with any keyword. But collecting and working out the semantics of competitors is a good start!

How can we do it?

Serpstat API console allows you to collect semantics for advertising campaigns of one or a group of competitors in a few clicks. However, you must first find relevant competitors. To do this, enter the address of your domain in the Serpstat search bar, select the search engine and region, go to the report Website Analysis → Domain Analysis → PPC Research → Competitors. After that, Go to the API console and enter:
your token from the Serpstat profile in the corresponding field
select the database
domain: ad keywords method;
competitor's domain or group.
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By the way, the console also allows you to enter positive and negative keywords. If, for example, you don't want to use competitor's branded queries in campaigns, you can remove them from the results using the filter.
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We get a report where we see:
region_queries_count — volume
cost — cost per click
competition — сompetition level
queries_cost — approximate ad cost
type — block;
domain — domain whick ranks for the keyword
url — page that ranks for the keyword.
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Download and import it to a table. Done!

How to quickly collect negative keywords

Now let's talk more about post-filtering by negative keywords. This feature is available for most requests. The field for entering positive and negative keywords appears after you have already loaded the data if they have a column with the keyword. You can set a list of negative keywords to remove misspelling and trash.

Moreover, the console itself generates a list of the most common keywords. This feature allows you to clear the list quickly. However, this function is also useful for quickly making a list of negative keywords.
select Ad Keywords method
enter keywords
To the right of negative keywords is a list of the most frequent words - clicking on them adds them to the list.
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Copy the list to Google Ads.

If you have enough limits, then you can also collect suggestions. Switch to the Keywords and Suggestions method.
You can use Ad Keywords and enter your domain to collect the negative keywords you missed.

How to find missing negative keywords

To prevent inappropriate keywords from getting into your advertising campaigns, you need to filter the received report by negative keywords. However, choosing yourself, you can miss a lot. The API console can do this automatically:
select domain ad keywords method
enter your domain to queries
click on the negative keywords in the filter under the results
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copy the list
add the received negative keywords to the settings of advertising campaigns, ad groups or general lists of negative keywords.
Why PPC Specialists Need Serpstat Or How To Earn Money Doing Nothing

How to find competitor landing pages in contextual advertising

The effectiveness of contextual advertising largely depends on the conversion of landing pages. Moreover, an increase in the conversion of landings in two times increases the efficiency by about three times.

Let's say we have:
expenses - $100/day
1000 clicks
conversion 1%
1000 * 1% = 10 conversions/day
CPA = 100$/10.
If we increase the conversion to 2%, then:
we will receive 1000 * 2% = 20 conversions/day
and CPA drops to $100/20 = $5.
Thus, increasing the conversion by half doubles the number of registrations and reduces CPA by half. Therefore, I believe that the effectiveness of contextual advertising largely depends on the designer.

When creating landing pages, it is essential to take into account the experience of competitors. You can borrow their ideas. They could test several hypotheses, choose the best option from them. We, in turn, will take advantage of their experience, saving both time and money.

However, it's not always easy to find landings tailored specifically for contextual advertising. Often there are no links from the site; sometimes, they are hidden from indexing. But this issue is quite quickly resolved thanks to the Serpstat API console. We solve by analogy with the methods described above.

First, we collect keywords from the contextual advertising of a competitor, as described in the first paragraph.
Then, select SQL→ SQL Snippets→ Group By URL.
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We get a list of landing pages in contextual advertising. We sort them by the amount of traffic by clicking on traff to find the most popular pages. In this way, an API console can even help a web designer.
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How to evaluate competitor costs

Before launching advertising campaigns, it is important to understand how much money you will spend on advertising. The easiest way to count is to see how much money your successful competitors spend. There is a way to do this in minutes using the Serpstat API console.
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Enter the data:
API token
search engine
competitors method
domain address and download the report.
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Click SQL → SQL Snippet→ Group by domain.
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In the grouped data, we look at the column traff_cost - this will be the competitor's estimated budget for the context advertising.

We compare the estimated budget of our competitors and find out if competitors are more effective than you. If so, then it is necessary to analyze the domain of competitors and use the keywords that they use in contextual advertising.

How to estimate competitor's costs by product group, service or product

To evaluate the costs of a competitor for a particular group of goods, service or product, we combine the two methods described above: calculating the cost of a context and a filter by keywords.

Let's say you want to know how much a competitor spends on advertising Samsung electronics. Using the Domain → Ad Keywords method, you collect its keys. Next, use the keyword filter:
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You get a report with all phrases that include this keyword:
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And group them by domain, as described in the method of calculating the total budget:
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We compare the estimated budget of competitors for a group of goods, service or product with our own and find out whether competitors are more effective than you. If so, then you need to analyze competitors and add their keywords to your campaigns.
Google's Most Expensive Keywords In The USA And The UK [Study]

How to find lost keywords

Let's go further - we collect the missed keywords. This is done very simply using the domains_ad_keywords_match_sdk method. This is a unique Console method that is used to compare the keywords of domain ads on the client side. It shows common keywords for Google Ads for domains (up to 9).

It has some features worth considering:
it's a local method and it costs more
the number of useful results can be much less than the spent API lines
if the number of loaded lines is less than the total number of lines in Serpstat, the results of the method may be unreliable.
How to work with the method?
choose domains_ad_keywords_match_sdk.
enter one or more competitor domains in queries. You can also enter subdomains of the site (blog.site.com), or parts of the URL (serpstat.com/en/blog/).
enter your domain in Minus Domain.
You can also enter additional parameters for the keywords:
cost per click
competition level.
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We load the data and get a report with missing keywords in the context:
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How to find lost ad groups or landing pages

Now, if you're interested in landing pages advertised by a competitor, you can quickly get a list of them by applying SQL → SQL Snippet → Group by URL to the report.
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That is what we get. A list of all advertised pages and keywords by which they are ranked.

How to quickly expand semantics at the expense of a competitor

Based on the report we received above, you can easily expand the semantics of your advertising campaigns.
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To do this, find the all_keywords column in it, click 3 times and copy all the URL keywords into the corresponding ad group. Everything is extremely simple.

How to evaluate competitor costs by product or service

Well, the last feature of this report is the ability to find out the estimated costs of a competitor for an ad, that is, in the context of individual products or services.

To do this, we also scroll the report to the side, find the taff_cost column, and see how much advertising of this or that product or service will cost. All!
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Serpstat API Console is a universal tool for those who work with vast amounts of data. The cases described above are just a small part of how you can use it.

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