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Mass Top Analysis: How To Find Drops, Niches And Best Tricks

Mass Top Analysis. How To Find Drops, Niches And Best Tricks
Mass Top Analysis Tricks: How To Find Drops And Niches 16261788387484
Stacy Mine
Editor at Serpstat
Today, APIs are an indispensable tool for every web specialist. Also, more and more APIs are very effective for many types of businesses. Using Serpstat API, WebXpage succeeded in saving 3 working days/month. If you want to repeat their success, learn how to automate tops analysis, finding dropped domains (and see why you need them), determining small niches, and so on. Let's go!

Why you need to analyze tops

We conducted a study of ranking factors and, among other things, looked at how diverse are the search results for different niches. If you look at the niche associated with tires, you will meet a new domain each time you analyze the
top 3. The results are very diverse: this happens since the niche is divided into subniches, so you can't see all this domain diversity if you look only at the top 10 or top 100. You need to consider hundreds and thousands of domains.
Thanks to this analysis, we can learn more about our competitors and identify patterns. In the same way, you can get information about the difference between search results of different keywords within your niche.

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How to find dropped domains

It's not a secret that there are domains that were abandoned or forgotten to be renewed. Among them, there are many functional domains; many of them were ranked by their phrases and had good content. According to Google's help, the domain doesn't immediately drop out of the index after the site's shutdown. Serpstat keeps track of the position of such websites.

Why such drops are better:

These are domains with potential.
They already have trust from Google.
According to their content, they have already been assigned a particular topic.
After recovery, they can return positions and give traffic.

How to find such drops:

Take all the semantics of the niche.
Look at the tops, check if the domain is registered.
If you do this manually, it will take a very long time, so it's better to automate the process using the Serpstat API-based script.

How it works:

The script has the function "search for drops by whois."
We enter the key, and the script collects all the requests that are in the Serpstat database for this key through API. The service analyzes tops, collects domains, and already checks whois automatically for these domains and forms a table that has:
Date of registration
Registration end date
Keyword for which domain was first found
Position for this phrase
How many keywords were found for this domain
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Expired domains are highlighted as dead.

But not all domains that you find through SERPs are equally useful. Exceptions are:
Spammed domains
Doorway domains
Pseudo search engines and galleries.
To exclude such domains, we check:
The domain registration and expiration date via Whois: when its registration expires.
The dynamics of visibility and traffic through Serpstat. If traffic and visibility began to drop earlier than the domain expires, then we can assume that the domain has problems, and it is better to exclude it.
Links - we watch backlinks to check for spam.
Bad drop example:
Traffic and visibility began to fall even before the expiration date.
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Expired Domains Search: How to Find Drops And Identify Potential Drops

How to search for new successful sites

Why we need them:

Their main advantage is that these are new sites that succeed in a short time in their niche. If you analyze them in detail, you can find the methods that they used to achieve the result. Using their experience, we can enter this niche and do better than them. Also, you can define competition within a niche: if there are a lot of new sites in the niche, then the competition is low there, and we have pretty good chances to succeed in this niche.

How to find such sites:

You can search for such sites automatically using a script with the same function "search for drops by whois": in this report, there is a column "domain registration date."
Download the CSV file, open in the spreadsheet editor.
Sort by registration date.
Filter the domains that have been registered over the past year (in competitive topics, the site needs a lot of time to succeed.)

What do we check after getting a list of such sites

Traffic and visibility. Separate successful domains from unsuccessful ones.
Recheck registration date. Errors are a rare thing, but it is better to double-check.
Domains' merging. The new domain is not necessarily the old site. If the domains have merged over the past 3 months, then this can easily be determined by checking backlinks.
Content. Check the structure, volume, dynamics, try to understand the strategy for developing site content. While analyzing the content, look at the keywords which were used to form the content. Such newcomers to competitive topics have already developed semantics, and we can use their best practices to expand our own semantics.
Web archive domain history. Check if it was a new domain or a drop.
Successful site example:
Mass Top Analysis Tricks: How To Find Drops And Niches 16261788387488
If you have a large project, then you can analyze the tops faster using the Serpstat crawling services:
How To Make A Niche Analysis
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How to identify subniches by specific sites

Most experts are used to creating niches using semantics processing. We take a large pool of requests and divide it into groups. But you can also go the opposite way - to find sites that work with small niches.

What's the profit

Automatically finding narrow niches that someone is already working with.
Extending semantics using competitors' content.
Analysis of a niche potential (approximate amount of traffic, conversions on an affiliate program, number of sales.)
There is a large number of keywords and a vast number of sites that you can find in tops for these keywords. Some sites densely cover these semantics, some partially, but some sites cover only some piece of semantics, and at the same time, they have no other semantics - these are websites that work with very narrow niches.
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How it works

The script has the function to search sites in a small niche. It works like this:
Collect semantics by keyword.
Collect domains from tops.
For each domain, the script determines connection strength with the obtained semantics, and the top 6 words, which are most often found in search phrases by which this domain is ranked.
Here you can see a table for analyzing the Bitcoin niche. Some sites here work with narrow niches.
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For example,
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You can find sites that work with micro-niches in almost every niche. They are worth looking for: often, they choose this direction because it is not the most competitive, and the leading players forget about it. Having found such sites, we can see the volume of traffic and potential and try to occupy small niches.

How to divide semantics and optimize texts

In addition to the script, you can use Clustering and Text Analytics tool.
You get:
An advanced division of broad semantics into groups.
Automatic analysis of the text of all pages from the top upon requests from the cluster.
Recommendations for optimizing the text of your page according to the characteristics of the niche.
Mass Top Analysis Tricks: How To Find Drops And Niches 16261788387495
Successful Keyword Mapping In 5 Easy Steps: How To Create A Site Structure With Our Clustering Tool

How Text Analytics works

The tool takes a cluster obtained as a result of clustering and carries out a statistical analysis of the content of sites from the tops of the query group.
It takes into account only the contents of text blocks - comments, texts from the footer and header are missed.
Only sites from the category of your website are taken into account.
As a result of complex processing, the most important words are determined, the use of which is natural within a niche.
It forms the recommendations for title, h1, body, text volume based on the analysis of the contents of the pages of your site.
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You can use these two tools even if your site is not yet in a niche, and you are only planning to enter it. Take a leader who covers this niche and carry out text analytics based on this leader. As a result, you get recommendations that will allow you to write texts better than the leader.
How To Increase The Text Relevance Of Site Pages: Serpstat Text Analytics Tool

Bonus method

Analysis of the importance of keywords in a niche and mass checks

1 way:

We analyze the importance of words in a niche. You upload several thousand keywords via the API and break them into words. As a result, for each word, we get two metrics: the number of phrases with a word and the total frequency of phrases with a word.

There is no script here. All this can be done through Google Sheets.
There are no blanks for the description, either. Just take the keys for the phrase. For example, we have 40K keys. We divide keys into words. For example, the key "dog toys" has two words "dog" and "toys."

Using the basic capabilities of Google Sheets, you can get a list of such words, and for each count its number in the downloaded 40K keys and their total frequency. So you can highlight the main keys that go together with the central word, for example, "dog."
The Serpstat API is a way of collecting data that helps to immediately download massive volumes of data without using the Serpstat interface. It also allows you to integrate Serpstat analytics into your internal tools.

The Serpstat API includes Website Analysis, Backlink Analysis, and Keyword Analysis, and all the described methods allow you to get data on these modules.

Serpstat API is well-liked among our clients. Such businesses as Flatfy, WebXpage, Accesstrade are already using Serpstat API to approach their goals.

Serpstat has very reasonable API prices. We reach such low costs because we made our product recently compared to competitors and with new technologies to make many features cheaper.

You can use the API as part of your plan with the following features:
2 way:

Mass checks of the number of keywords for pages, the number of keywords in the top 10 for domains, the number of keywords with a filter for domains/pages, etc. In general, everything massive, which is not in the interface or checker. This is a mass analysis, which is in the interface for processing domains but is not available for individual pages.

Summing up

Mass top analysis allows you to get a lot of useful information.

You can find:
Good drops with potential.
Successful beginners to always be in the trend of promotion techniques.
Sites that work with narrow niches and determine their potential.
You can divide niches by tops and immediately receive recommendations for optimizing pages.
You can use a script to automate any analysis.

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