Developers use Lorem ipsum text to fill in a web page template. Having finished the template setup you should replace this text with unique content relating to the site theme. Otherwise, search systems may consider the resource irrelevant or duplicate.
Users visit your website to find certain content. You must add a search feature to the website if you want to have easy access to all materials on your resource. You can implement it using ready-made software solutions.
The optimization of JavaScript helps to speed up page loading and improves website ranking by search engines. You can reduce the size of scripts manually or using online services.
Product comparison on the website is a popular feature in many online stores. The implementation of this feature increases resource usability, allowing customers to make an informed purchase decision based on a comparison of the product characteristics.
It's important to pay special attention to internal website optimization. This will help to increase ranking positions in the search engine. One of the optimization methods is to minimize the HTML code. It improves website loading speed.
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