AI for Content Analysis

A set of automated tools for generating content and automating routine tasks for text optimization. The tools are based on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The section contains:

  • Text editor — content creation for blog posts and other types of articles.
  • Title generation — automated title generation based on the added text of a page.
  • Description generation  a brief text description generation for using it in the description meta tag.
  • Paraphrasing — the added text paraphrasing with saving its initial topic and the indicator of uniqueness.
  • AI content detection — to define whether a text is written with AI and show a percentage of written by a person or AI-generated content
  • YouTube Transcription — get subtitles from a YouTube video in .txt resolution and use it to create a unique content!
  • Keywords extraction — collecting keywords that convey the main essence of the text. Powered by AI.
  • Bag of words — highlighting separate keywords indicating the frequency of their use in the text. Doesn't work on AI.
  • Article builder — automatic generation of the title, plan and text of an article based on the added keywords.
  • Plagiarism — check the text for uniqueness and plagiarism level. 

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