Indexing inspection

With the help of the "Indexing inspection" tool, site owners can send a URLs list of the website and find problems with their indexing.

Google released a new method — URL Inspection API, and now it is possible to request the data Search Console has about the indexed version of a URL.

The tool is available for all Serpstat registered clients without charging off the credits.

To check URL indexing, first connect the Google Search Console account:

1. Choose properties.

2. Add a URL list (up to 100 at a time).

3. Press the button "Inspect URLs".

4. The resulting report will list all the entered pages of the website with the results of the check. You can click on each line of the report and view the result in detail:

5. To remove access to your Google Search Console account, click this button:

Still have questions? Contact us via chat. If you'd like to get advice on Serpstat's features, order your free 30-minute demo.

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