Stacy Mine

former Blog Editor at Serpstat


How to add lang and hreflang attributes to the page code

January 19, 2022

How to add lang and hreflang attributes to the page code

Lang and hreflang attributes are necessary for indication page references, created from a variety of languages. They help to search systems to have the output results, optimized for a special area, language, or dialect.

Our Trip Around The World: Serpstat Collected Google Databases From All The Countries

Serpstat updates
January 13, 2022

Our Trip Around The World: Serpstat Collected Google Databases From All The Countries

Our Google USA database is updated. Serpstat now has 230 Google databases available, 2.4B keywords in search, which include search queries and SERPs from all countries of the world. We compared our data with those by SEMrush, so read the post to learn more!

Serpstat Encyclopedia: Everything You Need To Know In One Place

SEO +2
December 27, 2021

Serpstat Encyclopedia: Everything You Need To Know In One Place

We always do our best to make Serpstat greater and faster: we constantly add new features at the requests of users. This article is a large Serpstat encyclopedia, which will help you navigate through the capabilities of the service and use it at its fullest.

How to define robots.txt?

December 21, 2021

How to define robots.txt?

The robots.txt utility file contains rules for indexing your website with specific (or all) search engine bots. You can try to close the website from Google indexing.Is this going to work? Keep your answer in mind, below you can check if our ideas coincide.

How to use rel="canonical" tag for SEO

August 10, 2021

How to use rel="canonical" tag for SEO

Dealing with pages duplication is an important aspect of the site's optimization. With rel="canonical" tag, you can solve the problem of duplicated content providing the raising SEO efficiency. This tag priorities a canonical page among its copies within one website.

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