SEO August 19, 2022  |  12862   28   |  10 min read  – Read later

So You Think You Are an SEO guru? [SEO Knowledge Quiz]

SEO Knowledge Quiz

Content Manager at Serpstat
Would you like to find out how good of an SEO expert you currently are?
Great news! I have prepared a fun quiz for you to test your SEO skills :)
Test your SEO knowledge

So you think you’re an SEO guru?

Let’s see if you can score 100% in this one ;)

Which sentence better describes the main goal of SEO?
Find out the result!
What factor is not relevant for SEO?
Find out the result!
Does Page Load Speed affect your rankings in search results?
Find out the result!
What should you do when you detect a malicious backlink referring to your website?
Find out the result!
Which HTTP status code indicates a successful request?
Find out the result!
What is rel="canonical" NOT used for?
Find out the result!
What is a long-tail keyword?
Find out the result!
What is Google's DMCA policy aimed at?
Find out the result!
Which redirect should we use when permanently moving the website to another domain?
Find out the result!
What is an alt attribute NOT used for?
Find out the result!
Which sentence correctly describes the 301 redirect?
Find out the result!
What is a crawl budget?
Find out the result!
What is a ranking signal?
Find out the result!
Why does a 404 error appear?
Find out the result!
What does linkbaiting mean?
Find out the result!
What file should be used to instruct the search bots NOT to crawl certain website pages?
Find out the result!
What is local SEO?
Find out the result!
Which Google Algorithm Update is directed against webspam and link manipulation?
Find out the result!
What is the best way to avoid penalties for duplicate content?
Find out the result!
What is keyword stuffing?
Find out the result!
Uhm, how did we even get here?

Did you ACTUALLY answer the questions?
Or did you just click through them with your eyes closed? (fingers crossed)
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Oh honey, you’ve just discovered SEO, haven’t you?

It's okay, you gotta start somewhere ;)

You're at the very beginning of your journey and there's a whole SEO world you are yet to discover. Luckily, you can find every beginner's guide you can possibly think of on our blog! :)
Try again ;)
Well... it happens to the best of us!

Just kidding, it wasn't THAT bad. You do have some basic SEO knowledge but there's still sooo much that you are yet to learn! Luckily, you're at the right place to start your research — on our blog you can find any beginner's guide you can think of!

Pssst... You can always retake the test to show off the results to your friends... :)
Try again ;)
Not bad, not bad!

You've got your fair share of SEO experience but there are still some knowledge gaps you should fill in. Keep researching (our blog is a great place for that) and practicing, and the sky is the limit. Good luck!

Share the result with your friends to see who's got a better score ;)
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Very impressive!

Congratulations! You're one teeny-tiny step away from being an SEO Guru.

Pssst... You can always retake the test to make it perfect, and show it off to your friends... ;)
Try again ;)
Look who's here! An actual SEO guru!

Congratulations! Seems like the SEO basics are a walk in the part to you, huh?

May your websites rank just as high in search results as you did in this test! Well, I'm sure they already do ;)

Share this amazing result with your friends to see if they can outrun you!
Try again ;)
Did you come across any SEO terms you haven't heard of before? Look them up in our SEO Glossary!
We hope you've had fun with the quiz! Perhaps, you've learned something new? Feel free to share your opinions and results with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or our private group on Facebook :)

Cases and Guides

Serpstat is an all-in-one platform that helps individuals and marketing teams increase their websites' search engine visibility and achieve digital marketing goals. Check out this compilation of use cases and guides and see it for yourself:
If you want to learn how to use Serpstat for your personal marketing goals, don't waste your time! ;)

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The opinion of the guest post authors may not coincide with the opinion of the Serpstat editorial staff and specialists.

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