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Marketing June 15, 2023  |  6905   54   |  17 min read  – Read later

12 Best B2B Digital Marketing Hacks Revealed by Experts

Veselin Mladlenov
Veselin Mladlenov
Content Manager at ThriveMyWay

Most digital marketing guides and advice available on the internet are tailored to businesses selling directly to consumers; in other words, B2C digital marketing. The problem is that what works for B2C campaigns likely has no bearing on the success of your B2B marketing strategy.

Effective B2B digital marketing strategies require a very different approach to B2C. Instead of marketing to the everyday consumer – concerned with short-term entertainment, aesthetic, and emotional payout – B2B marketing campaigns have to sell to other businesses and organizations: more concerned with accurate information, ROI, efficiency and expertise.

As an example of the challenges facing marketers, B2B facts and statistics show that over three-quarters of all B2B buyers research thoroughly before purchasing, and that a majority of these buyers are Millennials. This means that the content you produce for a B2B digital marketing strategy or campaign will be heavily scrutinized by some of the world’s first digital natives.

Here, we’ve turned to the experts for advice. We’ve interviewed 12 digital marketers to get their unique take on the industry. Each in turn has provided their top ‘hack’ for B2B digital marketing, from brand strategizing and SEO, to sales funnel creation and lead generation.

Optimizing UI/UX: The Key to Successful B2B Marketing

Simon Toroyan
Simon Toroyan
Off-Page SEO Specialist at Content at Scale

UI/UX optimization is a critical aspect of B2B marketing and can greatly impact the results of a campaign. To maximize B2B marketing results, businesses should focus on creating a seamless user experience.

This includes designing a visually appealing and easy-to-use interface, making sure the website is easy to navigate, and providing clear and concise information. It's also important to make sure the website is mobile-friendly and responsive, as more and more users are accessing the internet on their mobile devices.

Another tip is to use A/B testing to see which design elements are most successful and make data-driven decisions. Additionally, gathering feedback from users can provide valuable insights on how to improve the user experience.

One unique tip for increasing conversion rate is to use micro-interactions, small animations or effects that provide feedback to users when they perform an action. Micro-interactions can improve the user experience by making the interface more interactive and engaging, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

Additionally, for conversion rate improvement you should consider optimizing the website's loading speed. A website that loads quickly can greatly improve the user experience, as users are more likely to stay engaged and interact with the website if it loads quickly. This can be achieved by optimizing images, using a content delivery network (CDN), and minifying code. 

Optimize Your Sales Funnel to Fuel Business Growth

Gaurav Sharma
Gaurav Sharma
CEO & Founder at

Every B2B business has a unique customer journey and understanding that is key to growing your business.

Start by understanding the various sources of lead generation and customer touchpoints where you can engage prospects. Use these insights to create a sales funnel where you use different digital marketing tactics for prospects at different stages in your funnel.

For instance, you may use social media marketing and content marketing to generate leads and drive them to your website. You’ll require conversion rate optimization and SEO tactics to engage prospects on your website.

At the purchase stage, you can use free trials, discounts, and offers to turn prospects into paying customers.

By using the right tactics, at the right time, you can drive leads down your sales funnel and drive more conversions.

It’s All About Brand Alignment

Micaela Navarro
Micaela Navarro
Marketing Manager at Eventflare

Brand authenticity is the pillar of great marketing strategies. Everything you do and say should be aligned with what your brand stands for. Being authentic can set the mark in a sea of infinite brands and companies.

We all want to create solid and meaningful relationships with our clients, and the truth is clients can smell BS miles away. So how do we really connect? Brands need to be real, from the product attributes to the experience and communication, everything should lead back to the same road.

This is how you build trust and how you create brands that will last in the long run. Find your truth and your niche and stay true to it in everything you do. 

The Email Marketing Gambit: A B2B Digital Marketing Hack

Edward Kring
Edward Kring
Digital Marketing Specialist at InvoZone

Email marketing is a B2B digital marketing hack that can be used to nurture leads and stay top-of-mind with customers. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to reach a large audience and build relationships with potential customers.

The Direct Marketing Association's study reveals a staggering 4,300% return on investment with email marketing, leaving other marketing channels such as social media and paid advertising in the dust. The study also found that the majority of consumers (66%) prefer to be contacted by businesses via email.

Companies like HubSpot and Salesforce have successfully used email marketing to nurture leads and increase revenue. Will a marketer's campaign be the key to unlocking the door to success or will it be the downfall of the business? Only time will tell as the marketer guides the recipient down the sales funnel using the power of email marketing.

B2B Is All About Lead Generation

Dario Zadro
Dario Zadro
Web and Marketing Strategist at Zadro Web

With any website, standard digital marketing strategies should be implemented, which include creating high-quality and informative content your visitors will engage with.

And, of course, your site needs to have an optimized user experience or UX for short. But with B2B, lead gen needs to be the primary driver of the sales funnel.

First and foremost, you must have a prominently placed lead generation form that is concise and asks only for the information you require to follow up. And, make sure your CTA (call to action) is clear and offers something of value, whether that's a white paper and eBook or simply the promise to get back to them immediately.

You could also provide the opportunity to subscribe to your newsletter to nurture the lead the move them further down your sales funnel. Having an optimized lead gen strategy is critical for revenue growth and is the best approach with B2B digital marketing.

Let Happy Customers Do Your Storytelling

Jordan Nisbet
Jordan Nisbet
Inbound Marketing Strategist at Paystone

Take a moment and consider how many times you’ve purchased something because a friend, family member or colleague shared their story about the amazing experience they had with it.

Those kinds of stories are what sell, over and over!

So the next time you see a glowing review come in for your B2B product or service, reach out to them and see if they’d be willing to share their experience as part of a greater story (or case study).

If you don’t know where to start, sit down with your Customer Support or Partnerships team. Chances are they can connect you with people who would love to share their story.

And when they do, don’t be afraid to send them something nice afterward as a thank you - a gift card, a free month, whatever works best for you and your company.

A Crucial Hack to Rank Better on SERP

Jitender Sharma
Jitender Sharma
Founder & CEO at The Next Hint Media

Latent-Semantic Indexing or LSI is something Google has started doing to match its search results with the search intent of users by identifying words that are semantically connected to the logical meaning of the text.

As a digital marketer you are usually focused on the keyword, but it could serve you better if you also scatter words that are logically linked to the topic you're writing about.

For instance, if you are putting out content about backdoors as a cybersecurity vulnerability, it should not be confused with physical doors that open to your backyard. Focusing on LSI will ensure that you rank for the right keywords and reach the right audience.

Run Your Own B2B Newsletter as Big Brands Do

Eugene Odyntsov
Eugene Odyntsov
SEO Manager at Mailtrap

B2B newsletters are a valuable tool for building relationships with customers and prospects, driving engagement, generating leads and measuring success.

Newsletters allow you to provide valuable insights and information to your target audience, which helps establish and maintain strong relationships. However, low open rates, unsubscribes, spam filters, and poor design are potential pitfalls that must be considered.

To avoid these issues, it’s important to properly target and personalize your newsletter, provide valuable content, and avoid being flagged as spam. Invest in professional design to ensure your newsletter is visually appealing and easy to read. Overall, a well-executed B2B newsletter can be a powerful tool to enhance your marketing strategy.

Leverage the Power of Podcast Marketing

Katarína Majgotová
Katarína Majgotová
Performance Marketing Specialist at CloudTalk

Podcast marketing is an essential B2B digital marketing strategy for 2023 that helps businesses reach a targeted audience while building a brand identity.

To leverage the power of podcast marketing, businesses must create high-quality audio content that educates their audience based on their experience solving X, Y, Z problems, while also highlighting their expertise.

By doing so, businesses can showcase their thought leadership, differentiate themselves from the competition, and build a community of loyal listeners. Additionally, featuring industry experts as guests can help businesses expand their network and gain credibility in the industry, leading to new leads and increased visibility.

Launching a podcast can be a significant investment, but starting with a minimum viable product (MVP) by participating in a few episodes of podcasts in your niche can help you measure outcomes and decide on your next steps.

Branding Creates Success

Анастасия Сотула
Radina Skorcheva

For any business, branding is about creating success. Successful branding is about knowing who you are and what you stand for, and then making that message clear across every touch point in your company from your website, through your social media presence, to your employee brand and all the way up to your office design.

Many business owners find themselves at a loss for how to build a brand for their company. For example, if you own a landscaping business and want to build a brand that stands out and delivers value, it comes down to figuring out what your company stands for.

A B2B brand starts with a solid foundation and a clear understanding of your company's brand. After you establish this foundation, it's time to build a strategy to deliver it.

LinkedIn Still Has Untapped Potential

Saurabh Thakur
Saurabh Thakur
Sr. Digital Marketer at YoRent

A notable thing about B2B marketing is that you need maximum focus and attention on figuring out the right audience and providing the right value. Linkedin has always remained the best social media platform to effectively find and target the right audience. With time, it has also evolved.

For example, now it provides us access to many more content formats such as polls, events, carousel posts and live videos. You can use these formats to build your audience and increase engagement.

Moreover, you can use Linkedin these days for both inbound and outbound marketing. Linkedin Pulse and Linkedin groups serve as a lucrative space to share your knowledge and insights, build trust and get inbound leads. On the other hand, with Linkedin premium, you can directly reach out to your most potential customers and talk business.

Not to forget that as the number of entrepreneurs and business professionals increase, so does the number of users on Linkedin. Meaning, Linkedin will never run out of its B2B marketing potential for many more years to come.

Leverage B2B Customer Segmentation

Zach Leonard
Zach Leonard
President of Gembah

To say it’s an advantageous strategy in B2B marketing is to say nothing at all. B2B market segmentation can help you personalize digital marketing campaigns, improve customer experience, and maximize profits.

What you need to do is to break your B2B audience into particular subgroups based on certain similarities. These can be needs (needs-based segmentation), company size (firmographic segmentation), preferred tools (technographic segmentation), shopping behavior (behavioral segmentation), etc.

I recommend the following tactics for segmenting your B2B leads and customers:

  • Divide your B2B audience into segments right on your e-porch.
    It can be a short survey popup to understand customers’ needs and develop a personalized action plan.
  • Target different B2B segments with different methods.
    Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, you should diversify your B2B marketing methods and content for each subgroup.
  • Put segmentation on autopilot.
    You’ve got a wide range of tools to select from: Segment, Google Analytics, Reveal, Baremetrics, Amplitude, Heap, etc.
  • Do regular re-segmentation.
    Re-segment your customers regularly to deliver more relevant experiences.

Advance Your B2B Game: 4 Tips for Successful Digital Marketing

Janella Malapad
Janella Malapad
SEO Outreach Specialist at BrandCrowd

Implementing successful techniques is essential for digital marketing success. Here are 4 tips and suggestions to think about:

  • To synchronize your efforts, first, define your goals and target audience explicitly. To understand market trends and competitors, conduct extensive market research. 
  • Second, produce engaging content that engages your audience and adds value. To diversify your content approach, use several formats, including blog entries, videos, and infographics.
  • Third, use social media platforms to communicate with your target market and promote brand recognition. Take part in insightful discussions and offer insightful commentary. 
  • Finally, to improve your campaigns, monitor key performance metrics and statistics. Make data-driven decisions by using analytics tools to obtain insight into user activity. You may improve your digital marketing efforts and succeed in today's cutthroat environment by paying attention to these pointers.

Final Thoughts

As a B2B digital marketer, you already have a starting advantage in that, as a business, you should have some idea of what other businesses will be looking for in your products and services. From there, you can begin to construct a B2B digital marketing strategy which works for you and your target audience.

In this guide to the 12 B2B digital marketing hacks, we asked the experts for their advice on the factors which comprise truly great marketing.

Off-page SEO specialist Simon Toroyan talked about the impacts which exceptional UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) can have on potential clients. The smoother and more enjoyable and accessible their experience on your website, the more likely they are to convert.

Inbound marketing strategizer Jordan Nisbet went on to explore how to effectively leverage positive reviews and responses from your existing clientbase. When someone leaves a glowing review on your site, you can use this to encourage trust in your prospective future clients, as to the quality of your products.

In essence, the advice given here boils down to one key factor: pay attention to the little things, and your B2B digital marketing strategies are bound to pay off.

The opinion of the guest post authors may not coincide with the opinion of the Serpstat editorial staff and specialists.

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