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10 Worst Marketing Fails Of All Time

Fail #1: Illegal weapon from EA

Fail #2: Misunderstanding of trending hashtag

Fail #3: Ambiguous hashtag
It was supposed to read as "Susan album party'", while as you may already noticed this hashtag can be read in some other way.

Fail #4: Expectation vs reality

Fail #5: Inhumane marketing
Fail #6: Pepsi's bad joke
He noticed some fine print: in place of labels, consumers could buy Pepsi points for ten cents each. He quickly figured out that he need $700,000 to buy the 7M Pepsi points for the Harrier Jet. And he did it. Pepsi refused to give Leonardo this prize. Finally, a court granted a summary judgment in favor of Pepsi and ruled that "no objective person could reasonably have concluded that the commercial offered consumers a Harrier Jet."
Fail #7: Overconfidence effect

Fail #8: Unexpected outcome
But, the USSR and other socialist countries returned the favor of 1980 and boycotted the 1984 Olympics. That's why the USA got 83 gold medals instead of 34 as it was expected. According to The New York Times, the fast-food giant had calculated that American athletes would do well this year. ''But without the Soviets, U.S. athletes have done very, very well,'' said Chuck Rubner, a spokesman for McDonald's in Chicago.
Fail #9: Ayds sounds like AIDS
Fail #10: Old Coca-Cola is better than
a new one

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