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Marketing 21 min read January 15, 2019

Top Tools For eCommerce

Top Tools For eCommerce

Joydeep Bhattacharya
Author of the SEO Sandwitch Blog.
When you think of eCommerce, you think of competition. Nowadays, people have so many eCommerce sites within their reach that were not possible before. Moreover, big brands like Amazon are seriously taking away the revenues of small companies.

In this era of cut-throat competition, how do you make your eCommerce business succeed?
Here are some tools that you desperately need to make new customers and keep your existing customers happy.
Before you tell me that popups are annoying, let me share a stat with you. As per a survey from Sumo, the conversion rate of popups can go as high as 9.3%. This means, out of 100 people seeing your popup, 9 people will take action. Having a popup on your site can certainly help you increase conversions.
Popup Maker is an amazing tool that lets you create triggers to make your popups more engaging and fun.
Here are some of the top features offered by this tool:
Instant popups are displayed before the prospects as soon as the page gets loaded.
You can trigger popups on action events like when any visitor clicks on an element, or on exit intent like when the user is about to close the tab.
You can easily create different forms of popups like countdown popup, age restriction pop up, social popup, etc.
You can display popups when the visitor scrolls X% of the page, or you can show a popup when the user hovers over a particular element.
The tool is ridiculously easy to set up, and you can create as many popups as you like. As soon as you start displaying powerful popups on your site, your KPIs are bound to improve.
Serpstat is a complete SEO tool that helps your eCommerce site with everything related to SEO. Here are the top features offered by Serpstat:
You can identify and prepare a list of profitable keywords that your competitors use to generate sales. Moreover, you can compare keywords with the help of different performance indicators like search volume, cost per click, competition level and the number of search results.
You can find out questions that your target audience commonly asks. By using this data, you can create useful content that is more likely to be linked and shared by your audience.
Serpstat offers global tracking that lets you identify your site rankings in any country or language you specify.
With the help of Serpstat you can select regional or global data of your top competitors for both organic search and paid advertising.
You can use Serpstat onsite-audit to perform a comprehensive on-page analysis that takes care of multiple ranking factors so that you can fix the most pressing issues.
With the help of the Backlink Analysis tool, you can track the backlink information with the possibility to set the time range and view data about backlinks from the historical index.
You can track the success of your campaigns with a powerful dashboard that lets you track your keyword positions and effectively visualize the available data.
Serpstat is a must for every e-store owner because it takes care of site's health and keeps track of major keywords to dominate both organic and paid search presence.
You can't ignore the power of email marketing as it remains one of the most ROI friendly ways to generate sales. MailChimp is the leader in email marketing space. Here is what you can do with MailChimp:
You can create unique campaigns for emails and social media with the help of pre-designed templates and action-based triggers.
You can target your audience based on demographics and other filter criteria.
With the help of the landing page builder, you can create free landing pages for your campaigns.
You can combine email with Google remarketing ads and double your sales.
MailChimp also assists you in creating stunning Facebook and Instagram ads.
With a personalized dashboard, you can quickly check your revenues and a detailed overview of your audience.
You can become a smarter marketer because optimization tools from MailChimp make it easier for you to identify and understand your audience, see which ads are generating the maximum revenue and lets you focus on efforts that are providing a better ROI.
Whether it's segmentation, personalization, better reporting or A/B testing; MailChimp assists you with each and everything and lets you create awesome campaigns to deliver more sales.
One of the essentials that every business needs to follow is the availability of products before the customer on each and every channel where they might be present. Social media is the place where today's millennials spend their maximum time.

Hence, it makes sense to list your products on social channels and enable them to buy your products instantly. This is made possible with the help of Shopify Multi-Channel eCommerce.

Shopify Plus lets you natively sell your products on over 20+ social channels. You can enable instant purchases on Facebook, Instagram, messaging apps, Pinterest, etc.
There is nothing more valuable than time. Fast loading time is a critical factor that can have a direct impact on conversions. Google prefers websites that load faster, and the customers also trust them because it helps them to complete an order faster.

Compressor lets you optimize the file sizes of images used in your website. Up to 90% file size reduction can be achieved, and it supports all the 4 formats like png, jpeg, svg and gif.

Customer service plays a crucial role in keeping your customers happy. This is where Zendesk comes in handy.

Zendesk is a robust customer service and engagement platform that makes customer interactions across phone, chat, email and social media a breeze.

Here are the top features offered by this platform:
There is a ticketing system that collects all customer service queries from several sources and manages them in one location.
With the help of the live chat option, you can reach out to the customers before they ask a question.
It provides a comprehensive knowledge base that creates and shares content with the customers and also measures what performs best.
The Help desk software allows customer service representatives to track, prioritize, and solve customer support tickets.
With the help of macros, agents can quickly respond to recurring customer queries.
You already know that time is equal to money. Just imagine, how much improvement you can have in terms of productivity if you can track the time your team is spending on each project.

When companies track time, they get a 22% increase in productivity. Employees become dedicated and don't waste their time on social media websites.

Here are the top features offered by Time Doctor:
Time Tracking: You can see the actual time spent by your employees on each project.
Screenshots: The tool automatically captures screenshots at regular intervals of time and sends them to the administrator so that he can keep an eye on the tabs an employee opens while he/she is on duty.
Integrations: Time Doctor easily integrates with all the leading project management tools like Asana, Basecamp, Trello, Redmine, Slack, Github, etc.
Reporting: Managers can receive daily and week reports so that they can carefully review the time spent by every employee.
Alerts: The tool automatically sends alerts to employees on job when they sit idle for a long time. This keeps the employees on their toes, and the concentration isn't diverted.
Compatibility: Time Doctor is easily compatible with desktop, tablet, and mobile.
Accurate time tracking by Time Doctor helps to drive efficiency, and this has an impact on the overall productivity of the company. Data gathered by the software is specific, and this gives managers an opportunity to identify unproductive employees so that they can be trained well to improve the bottom line of the company.

Social media management is essential for any online business to succeed. With the help of Buffer, you can manage all your social accounts in one place. Here are the top features offered by Buffer:
You can add all your social accounts in one dashboard and schedule all your posts using a single dashboard.
You can add a schedule for your post and Buffer will automatically share the update at the scheduled time.
With the help of powerful analytics, you can check the social media performance of your campaigns and gain relevant insights on how to improve your results.
You can add up to 25 members in your Buffer account so that they can log in and share updates as and when required. Restriction to overall access is there so you can decide the type and the level of access for every team member.
Buffer certainly reduces a headache with social media post scheduling, and you can keep track of your entire social media presence using a single dashboard.

For eСommerce site owners, it is crucial to understand how people react with your content and a heatmap is one of the best ways to understand that.

Heatmap is a tool that lets you optimize your content in real time. You need to add a small JavaScript tag to get started, and it starts working with all browsers. As soon as you add the JavaScript tag, the heatmap appears on the screen. The heatmap constantly gets reloaded, and there's no need to reload the page.
The tool works by capturing user interactions in real time and sending them to the server. The server then sends back the captured data in the form of a heatmap that gets displayed on your screen.

With the help of a heatmap, you can easily analyze the elements on your website that are unable to capture user attention. You can edit such elements and replace them with captivating text or images for better engagement.

People love images more than text. Canva is a tool that lets you create stunning graphs in seconds. Here are the top features offered by this tool:
You can easily create a professional quality graph and structural charts like Venn Diagrams, Mind Maps, Organizational Charts using ready-made templates.
With Canva, you can easily crop your photos for precise framing and masterful composition.
Creativity lies in your hand as you add text to photos or add speech bubbles to give a comic appearance to your images.
Good design really matters for your business. Canva eliminates the need to hire a costly graphic designer to match your needs. You can easily choose a pre-designed template and use the custom graphics on your website or for your content marketing efforts.

It is important to deliver a seamless search experience to your users, and this is where Unbxd is so useful. Unbxd accurately predicts the needs of your shoppers based on what they type and presents the most accurate product before them. This directly helps to increase conversions.
    Here is what you can achieve with the help of this tool:
    You can improve the search functionality of your eCommerce site with the help of Unbxd. The Unbxd algorithm uses machine learning to understand the shopper's intent and presents the closely matching product before the searcher.
    You can present product recommendations through their product discovery journey. Unbxd algorithm presents the most popular products to first-time shoppers and thereafter monitors the shopper's behavior to provide 1:1 personalized product recommendations so that they click more and convert more.
    Unbxd personalizes the shopping experience for every individual shopper by creating custom landing pages that match the product needs of every customer. Unbxd is an essential tool because it directly helps to increase sales by improving the shopping experience of the people.
    You can't ignore the power of customer feedbacks if you want your business to be successful. Review Trackers is a powerful review software that lets you manage 100+ review sites on a single platform leading to more reviews, engagement, and sales. Here are the top features offered by this platform:
    You can automate your review collection and respond to them in a quick manner using a single dashboard.
    The platform uses machine learning to understand your customers and discover the top customer experience trends.
    You can create groups by region and ensure an assistant is employed to every customer review for follow up.
    You can respond to Google and Facebook reviews directly from the app so that you respond to the reviewer on time.
    You can engage new customers by asking them to review your business by sending them email or text.
    ReviewTrackers is the ultimate review management platform that you must definitely use to manage and respond to user reviews on each of the major channels.
    You can become a better marketer if you sell the right products. Jungle Scout lets you discover the best products for your niche that sell like hotcakes on Amazon. You can easily identify such products and sell them on your own site or Amazon.

    The tool is available as a web app or as a Chrome Extension. With the app, you can filter millions of products on Amazon until you find the best product related to your niche. You can even track the success of your or your competitor's products. The tool displays the two most important metrics which are average units sold per day and average revenue. This gives you a clear idea about the current and prospect of the tracked products.
    With the Chrome extension, you can get sales estimates, competitive data and profit projections in real time.

    Every online business needs content to improve their branding and sales. eCommerce is not an exception. With the help of BuzzSumo, you can analyze the content that performs the best for your competitors before you start preparing content for your audience. This way the chances of content failure will be reduced and you'll be able to generate that extra buzz from every content piece you produce.

    Simply enter the domain of your competitor or any topic in the search bar of the tool. For example, I have entered "content marketing" as the topic because I wanted to find content pieces related to content marketing that has gone viral and generated the maximum number of social shares and links.
    BuzzSumo displays the total number of Facebook engagements, Twitter shares, Pinterest shares, Reddit Engagements and the total number of links. With this powerhouse of information, you can analyze the kind of content that performs the best and have the generated the maximum engagement. With these ideas, you can create new content for your own website.

    Moreover, BuzzSumo also lets you filter out content by date, country, word count, publisher size, country TLD and domains. With such powerful filtering, you can quickly catch up your main competitors and analyze their content marketing strategy.

    Imagine allowing your customers to search with the help of image! Sounds great, isn't it? With the help of Syte's artificial intelligence technology, you can allow your customers to perform an image search to create an engaged and interactive experience.
    Customers can easily upload their interest of choice and they can browse from the available list of similar product options.

    As a retailer, you only need to upload the product image and the system automatically creates deep textual tags for the entire inventory.

    Shakr is an online video maker that lets you create ROI generating videos for your products in minutes. Nowadays, videos have become an indispensable part of the product page. You need a tool to create awesome product videos with just a few clicks? Shakr offers you a database of more than 2000 video designs made by professional designers. You can create your videos in as little as 5 minutes using drag and drop interface in the dashboard.
    Apart from creating videos, Shakr also lets you market your videos on Facebook and Instagram.

    Wiser is the number one tool for omnichannel intelligence and optimization. It lets you compare prices of the products you are selling with those of your competitors. Once you have a market idea of the prices, you can revise your pricing strategy accordingly that will lead to maximum sales.

    Wiser also lets you automate online and in-store data collection and analysis that allows you to capitalize on opportunities. Wiser gathers and analyzes billions of data points scattered across e-stores, social channels, marketplaces, brick and mortar stores and emails. The powerful Wiser algorithm generates powerful insights that powers growth, and team empowerment.

    The pricing intelligence suite from Wiser is a game changer. It accurately understands market changes and automatically adjusts the prices of products at scale.
    When you have automated price settings against your competitors, you are able to capture new customers easily. The best part is, you can monitor the prices across all channels and offline stores. This way you are able to boost revenues across an array of categories and all this happens automatically.

    Wiser is an awesome tool that should be used by every eCommerce company because it maximizes the efficiency of each store visit, how sales are affected by capturing stock levels and how to capture sentiment from loyal customer groups.
    SendPulse offers many tools that can significantly boost eCommerce marketing. WhatsApp chatbots can help by automating customer interactions, providing 24/7 support, and sending targeted promotions. Key features include personalized product recommendations, order updates, and cart recovery reminders. These chatbots streamline communication, enhance customer experience, and drive sales. Additionally, integration with CRM systems allows for better customer relationship management, ensuring a seamless marketing strategy across channels.

    Bulk SMS sending service enables businesses to reach customers directly on their mobile devices. Key features include targeted promotions, time-sensitive offers, and order updates. SMS marketing can drive customer engagement, boost sales, and improve retention. Additionally, SMS can be integrated with other marketing channels, allowing for a consistent and coordinated approach. High open rates and fast response times make SMS an effective way to connect with customers and drive results.
    Launching an eCommerce business is easy but reaping profits out of it is tough. Make use of the above tools to make your eCommerce business more efficient, productive and above all, profitable.

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