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Site audit +1
September 20, 2019

How To Detect SEO Issues That Decrease Your Rankings And Traffic

With Serpstat you can find critical errors that have a negative impact on your website performance in search results. Serpstat can help you detect 66 types of issues divided into categories and four levels of priority: high, medium, low, and informational.

Our data
July 29, 2019

SEO Specialist Portrait: What

This spring Serpstat team launched a survey to study what unites SEO specialists. As a result, we collected 1587 responses and are ready to present you a market profile.

Serpstat API +2
May 28, 2019

How To Increase SEO Traffic By 50% Without Creating New Pages

What are missing keywords of the site? How to detect them? What does further data processing mean? This article explains this and other questions, such as how to find matching keywords for your existing pages using Serpstat API Console. Read up!

Serpstat API +1
January 25, 2019

Here We Go Again: The Latest Serpstat Updates

Here you'll get our usual article with new updates. Here you'll find exciting updates we're proud of and keep on making. Prepare yourself for an interesting piece :)

Our data
October 17, 2018

The SEO Party Started: 7 New Databases Are Already Live

Good news for you: 7 new databases to go! Read our piece to find more details: what countries, reasons to use this data, and what options you have if you're still waiting for your country database to arrive.

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