SEO July 1, 2024  |  2301   2   |  5 min read  – Read later

5 Methods of Working with Serpstat to Enhance Your Results

5 Methods of Working with Serpstat to Enhance Your Results
Bohdan Dovhaliuk
Blog Editor at Serpstat

Have you ever felt familiar with a soft but sensed that you still need to explore all its capabilities fully? Like something is holding you back from implementing the most exciting ideas.

I can compare it to writing music. For example, a person has learned all the theories and even knows how to play a musical instrument. But they still need to create melodies confidently, and the thought of arranging a composition is terrifying for them.

I’m not a psychologist, but today, I want to discuss how to avoid such mental blocks when using Serpstat. :) You will learn about five effective methods that are also easy to reproduce. So, let's start our session.

Mem "Think of any task you want to accomplish using Serpstat"

Find Out Which of Your Pages Are Just Steps Away from Top Positions in the Search Results

Want to get information about your site promising pages? In the Site Tree report, you need to take the following steps:

1.Enter your domain
Enter your domain
2.Add a position filter showing positions from 11 to 20
Filter showing positions
3.Sort the obtained data by the Search Volume parameter from highest to lowest value
Sorting by the KW.difficulty parameter

This way, you will see which pages and keywords are close to reaching the top positions in the search results. It will help you evaluate how much traffic you can gain by optimizing these pages, such as adding relevant keywords, getting additional backlinks, etc.

Get a List of Keywords with a Low Competition

If you are looking for opportunities for rapid growth of your site, I advise you to follow these steps in the Keyword Selection report:

1.Select a seed keyword for which the tool will provide recommendations
Select a base keyword
2.Add a KW. Difficulty filter with a value of less than 30
KW. Difficulty filter
3.Sort the results by Volume
Results by Volume

With this simple sequence of actions, you will get a list of interesting keywords that will be easier to rank for in the top search results.

Pick a List of Inexpensive Keywords for PPC

Using paid advertising? Then follow this scheme in the Paid Keywords report:

1.Select a base keyword
Base keyword
2.Add a Volume filter with a value of more than 100
3.Add another filter for Competition Level with a value of less than 80
Filter for Competition Level
4.Sort the results by increasing the CPC
Sort the results by increasing the CPC

This will give you a list of optimal PPC keywords in terms of price/quality ratio in their field.

Generate New Keyword Ideas Based on Competitors’ Keywords

Out of interesting hypotheses about which keywords to use? The Compare Domains / URL report can help if you take the following steps:

1.Enter your domain and competitors' domains
Your domain and competitors' domains
2.Select keywords that competitors are sharing but not present in your domain
Keywords that competitors are sharing
3.Add a KW. Difficulty filter with a value of less than 30
KW. Difficulty filter
4.Sort the results by Volume
Results by Volume

You will get new keywords that you can use in future content creation.

To improve your search rankings and outperform your competitors, you can try to publish the types of content they don't have. For example, I explain how to write listicles in one of my recent articles.

Analyze Which Pages and Topics Competitors Are Actively Developing

Want to explore what your competitors are currently working on? Then follow these steps in the Site Tree report:

1.Enter the competitor's domain
Enter the competitor's domain
2.Sort the obtained data by Position and select ascending order
Sort the data by Position
3.Set the desired Volume for keywords
Volume for keywords

This method will provide you with a list of URLs and keywords that competitors are actively working on. You will understand their vision and get ideas for developing your own strategy.


Your SEO arsenal is now enhanced with five reliable methods that can diversify your work with Serpstat. Use them in relevant situations to achieve the optimal results.

Remember, these are not the only ways to increase your conversion and lead count. You can improvise and find new approaches. So, I wish you inspiration in this process :)

Want to use these five methods?

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