Serpstat updates

Keep up with the vital service updates, sales, contests, and market research projects. Serpstat latest news and articles about new tools and updates.

Our data
December 10, 2019

Why Is It Worth Doing Content Marketing Or How Much Money Does The Serpstat Blog Bring?

Summer brought new records for the Serpstat blog: we got 240K sessions and 160K unique visitors per month. We hasten to share our secrets - how we managed to achieve such numbers. We will also spill the beans and tell you how much money our blog brings;)

Our data
July 29, 2019

SEO Specialist Portrait: What

This spring Serpstat team launched a survey to study what unites SEO specialists. As a result, we collected 1587 responses and are ready to present you a market profile.

Rank tracker +3
June 14, 2019

New Rank Tracker, Backlinks API, PPC Tracker, Pricing Changes And 193 Latest Serpstat Updates

I am proud to present you our main updates and improvements, on which we have been working over the past few months! Rank Tracker 2.0, Backlinks API, browser extension, changes in pricing plans, search analytics - find out the details of these updates here.

Backlink analysis +1
May 8, 2019

Spring Updates At Serpstat: What’s New?

Fresh and useful Serpstat updates for you: new features in Team management, Plugin, Site Audit, Crawling Tool and much more. Be the first to check them all!

Task lists +2
April 1, 2019

15 Important Serpstat Updates You Shouldn

It's been 2 months since we started working on our updates and here we want to share with you 15 new things we hope you'll like and soon be using. Enjoy your reading.

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