History of project changes by issues categories

getHistoryByCountError — this method shows the number of changed errors and information messages by a specific issues category in every report of a project.

Request parameters
Parameters Value Description
id any number or string A request id: the response contains the same id. Enter any number (number) or text (string) value
method getHistoryByCountError API method name
params {...} / [...] The object with parameters {...}, it lists all the following parameters and arrays [...]
projectId number Audit project id
error_name string
Issue name
limit integer Limit of chosen data
offset integer A page number (number value)


Response parameters
Parameters Description
id Response id corresponds the request id
result Contains the answer
errorCounts Issue data
reportId Report id in which a fixed error or information message was found
date Report date
count Number of errors or information messages by specific issue category

 Credits for this method are not deducted.

Request data:
   "id": 1,
      "projectId": 123456, 
      "errorName": "h1_missing", 
      "offset": 0, 
      "limit": 10
Response data:
    "id": "1",
    "result": {
        "errorCounts": [
                "reportId": "4246576",
                "date": "2021-07-19 16:55:21",
                "count": "0"
                "reportId": "4246562",
                "date": "2021-07-19 16:31:10",
                "count": "0"
                "reportId": "4220256",
                "date": "2021-07-14 16:20:24",
                "count": "0"

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