Server response codes

Server returns the following parameter to provide data or request: status_code.

Status code can hold the following info:

400 - Query required: The query parameter (domain, URL) was not specified;
400 - SE database parameter not set! Add {required_se} to your get query: The SEparameter was not specified.
400 - Wrong search engine! Invalid search engine;
400 - Missing token! Query token missing;
400 - Json schema validation error: not a valid json query schema;
402 - Plan credit exceeded! The pricing plan has run out of credits;
402 - Pricing plan credits exceeded;
402 - To get more than {max_sort_size} results use export report methods: The maximum allowable credit for sorting has been exceeded. You can use export to get the data;
403 - Problems with authorization (invalid token, forbidden method or user blocked);
403 - Selected SE is limited for your account: The selected search engine is not available for your account;
403 - Forbidden query! Query access denied;
403 - Invalid token! Invalid query token;
403 - Invalid user! Not a valid user;
403 - Not enough credits for this query: Not enough credits for this query;
403 - API not allowed for your plan! API access is not available for your plan;
403 - Method forbidden: access to the procedure is prohibited;
403 - Not access to functional: no access to functionality;403 Wrong method or access denied! Invalid request method or access denied for this procedure;
404 - Empty result! Empty query result;
404 Wrong API query! Use API domain subdomain: Invalid API query;
429 - Query frequency exceeded, we recommend increasing the interval between queries;
429 - Too many queriesy: too many queries;
500 - Server error: Undefined server error;
32012 - Credits exceeded: credits are over;
32018 - Wrong search engine provided: Invalid search engine specified;
32016 - Large query domains not supported: large domains are not available for query;
32116 - Procedure name not allowed exact count: used when getting the exact number of available rows;
32116 - Method not supported by this provider: the query or procedure is not supported by the specified provider (for example, some methods are not available if the serpstat provider);
32015 - No data found for requested domain: no information found for the specified domain;
32017 - No data found for requested domain: no information found for the specified domain;
32117 - Not allowed field: {field}: The field for the filter is incorrect or not used in this procedure;
32010 - Invalid crawl date: the date in the filter is incorrect;
32117 - Not allowed method {method} for field {field}: the method for filtering is specified incorrectly (for the compareType parameter) or the field does not support the specified filtering method;
32117 - Not allowed values ​​for between method: Invalid values ​​for the between method;
32117 - Field compareType is required: compareType filtering method not specified;
32117 - Field value is required: the field for filtering is not set;
32117 - Not allowed params for filter: invalid params for filtering.

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