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5 Link Building Techniques You Might Not Have Considered
So let's quickly and briefly get that out!
Links are still very important; they probably will be for a long time, yet (probably even in a machine learning/AI world) they are probably less important than they used to be, and they are certainly more difficult to get right.
Without getting out there and getting linked from other websites, you can't easily build a brand online; it's a two-way street. However, if you want to think about links, either as getting you in the game or making a difference, you likely need more of them and better quality.
We won't cover here what is or is not a bad link; that's been covered in detail many times, but we do want to make the point that if you are in this for the long run you need to make sure you aren't building up "future link debt" by building poor quality links. The general target in today's link-building world is that links are relevant and a natural fit, and if you can meet those two criteria when link-building, then you're probably on the right lines.
Here we have 5 link-building techniques that we use regularly, that often go unloved:
Building links to your other published content
If you consistently produce top-notch content around the internet, it's only natural that you cross-reference to some of your other valuable resources.
And this works well for so many reasons:
- It shows you are an authority on a particular subject
- It helps to build up your brand and show you are the experts
- It reinforces the link value of the original piece
- It gives another chance of a direct referral back to you
Media page mentions
I think it still has some utility when used as part of a link-building campaign, and I also think it teaches a valuable lesson of thinking about where links are more likely to come from, similarly to how we might look at site lists that competitor are listed on; we know those webmasters are more open to the idea of adding links, so we might consider those links to be quick wins.
Link building with media page mentions is simply developing great content that features people who have historically and/or systematically linked back to valuable content that they have either contributed to or have been featured in from their media or 'in the news' type of page.
For example, let's say you have a client in the dog niche, and you're interested in building links to do with dog toys.
One way you may try and surface this kind of opportunities is with a simple search modifier:
You can quickly build up a list this way and start coming up with authentic ways to use some of these prospects in future content. To get you started, here are a few modifiers, but finding your own will help you find even more unique opportunities:
psychology inurl: 'in the news"
psychology inurl: "media mentions"
psychology intitle: "in the news"
psychology intitle: "in the press"
psychology intitle: "in the media"
The key to this link building technique is to do it for the right reasons, for that reason I have only used this method a handful of times, for the right clients, in the right circumstances, but when used correctly and for genuinely valuable content it can be very powerful as you are connecting yourself to industry influencers and oftentimes securing a high quality, relevant link back to some great content.
There are many ways to conduct this type of link-building but like all good link-building techniques, it should not be scaled, and you should come up with your own way of doing it. That being said, to give you some ideas, here is just one way of making this type of link-building technique work:
Ego bait influencers or industry experts
One way to create an instant connection with influencers in your space is to feature them. There are many ways you could feature influencers in your space so think creatively so that you are offering something a little bit different and new, if it's just another 'Top 10 Influencers' list, then it's likely you won't get much back in return.
Once you've created your piece of content featuring influencers, simply let them know it's been published and give them some easy options for linking to or sharing it. If they were involved with the content from the start (for example provided a quote) then it's likely they are more inclined to share or link to the post.
Let's take a look at an example from within the SEO industry:
In reality, it wouldn't that too much effort to put a post like this together, and while it's early days for this particular post, looking at the social metrics, it's already gained it's likely only a matter of time before it gains more links.
- Small-medium-sized bloggers who are valuable namecheck but probably don't get featured regularly and would be delighted to be featured.
- New and upcoming influencers, those who are on their way to full influencer status but aren't quite there yet, getting your foot in the door with them at this stage can pay dividends as they grow
- Fully-fledged, industry known influencers.
Reverse blogger outreach
Asking or even paying relevant bloggers to write a post about a specific topic on your blog shows that you're willing to get industry experts in to provide your readers with top-notch content, and established bloggers will bring their audience along with them. Use them to your advantage; what do they specialize in that you lack the necessary knowledge to cover in depth?
For example, if you have a health website, you could reach out to health bloggers with an existing audience:
We've also had situations where these articles have picked up numerous links, including press coverage, just because the blogger has the right connections and has built up a genuinely engaged audience. It's important to do your due diligence on the bloggers you want to feature well before you approach them.
Internal link building
Through numerous audits, we have found exactly that, people consider internal link building but rarely get around to doing it, or updating it.
Internal link building is not something that should be ignored indefinitely.
A simple way to 'bake in' internal link building into your process is every time you publish something new, try and link to it from an old post.
For example, if your new post is about small business tips, then do a quick site search to see what relevant content you have previously written about small businesses:
We have found that a solid internal link structure can help Google to understand your site and ultimately increase your search visibility.
So put a plan in place, make sure your most important pages are linked with clear anchor text, as well as giving striking distance pages that little boost by linking to them from more powerful pages on your website.
Review your internal links on a quarterly basis, test, review and improve until you find an internal linking structure that works best for you.
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