
Plagiarism is a tool, based on artificial intelligence will check the uniqueness of the text and identify the presence of plagiarism in it. The uniqueness shows the percentage of text taken from existing sources without change. Uniqueness % is one of the parameters of the text's SEO research.

The tool will be useful for:

  • SEO specialists;
  • Copywriters;
  • Website owners;
  • Marketers.

Use case:
Preparing a featured article
It is not uncommon for writers to borrow parts from other sources to write complex texts, but the main thing is not to get a non-unique text as a result. The presence of such text on website pages can negatively affect page ranking, or Google can block a page with such content altogether, depending on the level of plagiarism detected.

Before you add new text to your site, enter it into the field in the tool and check for uniqueness. The more original the text, the better ranked your site. You can also check the existing text on the site and the level of plagiarism it contains.

In case the level of text plagiarism was high - do not worry, because you can use our Paraphrasing tool. It will help you paraphrase the text and make it more unique.

How to use the tool

  1. Enter the token from the profile;
  2. Specify the domains that you want to exclude from the check (optional) and also the language of the text;
  3. In the field enter the copied text or enter manually (maximum 10240 characters);
  4. Click the "Calculate" button to run the text check for uniqueness and plagiarism level.

As a result of checking the text in the report you will see the following information:

  • The level of plagiarism. That is, the percentage of text that was found on other sites.
  • URLs where text was found - a table where you can see other sites and links that use this text or sentence.
  • URL score - a table with the pages with the highest percentage of text matches. Each URL in this block has a Score - the percentage of sentences that were found on this page (for example, if the score is 0.1, it means that 10% of the sentences from the added text were found on this page).

Available to:
Users with a Team subscription or higher.

1 request = 500 credits for English and 750 credits for other languages of the Tools module.

If you still have any questions, contact the tech support chat.

To learn more about how the tool works, you can watch the attached video!

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